Chapter 31. A

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I had skimmed them all and could probably recite their major headlines by heart by now. The end of the week was welcomed by two huge news, both about me, one good (for me at least) and the other the scandal.

The murder case had been cracked finally and I was lifted above all suspicions and charges as my lawyer had assured me. Archibald was murdered by the very cultists he had implicated the last session, I was merely meant to get involved with him to tie up loose ends because my character was already very shady to the school authorities. They had eventually found evidence at the scene of the crime whose fingerprints matched Shane's, the expelled gang leader.

My elation knew no bounds when I heard this.

The group was located and surrounded quickly and I shut my eyes briefly, trying to forget the image of Zac's friend/ fuck buddy, Pinky yelling obscenities at the camera. My name was cleared immediately only to have it soiled the very next day.

There was no rest for me in this world.

Priyanka had leaked the tape as she had said and now the whole campus plus school authority knew exactly what happened between Jake and me at the library. I had been getting so many calls from several individuals letting me know just how slutty and shameless I was and rumours were Jake had been called to face the school panel.

His hearing was today and I had received my letter too, summoning me for mine in the next few days. I knew what was coming without being told, my expulsion was sure this time around.

There was no more saving grace. It was over this time.

I placed my head on the desk, closing my eyes and trying to pretend there wasn't so much going wrong in my life right now when I felt the gentle hand tap my shoulder.

"Jules?" Liz called softly and I lifted my face to look at her, her soft blues seemed to sympathise with me and I instinctively looked away from them not wanting her pity.

After the tape leaked, I ran away from my aunt and sister at the hotel not wanting to see their reactions and till now had avoided all their calls and texts. I was so grateful that Liz had brought me to a little apartment owned by the twins in town rented for their privacy.

Liz brought me here, Lani joined us yesterday night, Zac was back at our apartment off-campus and James...he was nowhere to be found. I had accepted the cold fact that he no longer wanted to be associated with me with silent pain. What else could be the reason behind him abandoning me when I needed him the most? The others had been very supportive so far and the girls just mainly left me to sit in front of my laptop screen, staring blankly and I appreciated it.

"Lani is cooking," Liz informed me, talking softly like she was communicating with an elderly citizen. "You really need to eat this time. You've not taken anything other than soda since we got here."

"I'm not hungry."

"That's a lie."

"Okay," I agreed, not wanting to argue on whether I was lying or not. "I'll eat when I'm done with my work. I'm doing something on my laptop."

Liz frowned, one perfect eyebrow raised and lips twisted in belief as she reached over to tap the screen of the laptop, sighing when it didn't come on. "Jules, your laptop isn't even on, this thing is dead.

"It is?" I looked at the blank screen, noticing my reflection and wondering why my face suddenly looked so emaciated within how many days. I looked sick, very sick and I didn't even know. "I didn't realize."

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