Chapter 10~ You

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fun fact- I'm an insomniac :)

"SO YOU'RE TELLING ME YOU dragged me all the way here to look for some nonexistent book about flying space dolphins you supposedly dreamt that you read when you were younger?" I asked, incredulously staring at James and face-palming repeatedly.

"Julie, hold that face, that enraged expression is so sketch worthy." James actually went on to pull the brown pencil from behind his ears and brought out the small, pocket sketch book he always carried about. "Yes, that enraged expression looks murderous now."

"Are you mentally ill?" I was glaring daggers at him. James and I were basically the same height, although he constantly argued that he was taller. We squared off perfectly to me. The smell of the huge bookstore was getting to me and I had no idea why my sicko of a best friend had decided to drag me from the warm comfort of home to go in search of some mythical storybook he once had a dream that he read.

"Funnily, Liz always says I am."

"That's not funny at all, she's right, you're sick in the head and I'm going back home with or without you. Have fun searching for the flying dolphin book." I clapped him on the shoulder, feeling the rich material of the black hoodie he had on the dark jeans he was wearing. He had on a black baseball cap, covering his unique black-brown dyed hair.

"It's a flying space dolphin book," he corrected like I actually cared.

"And I don't care."

He sighed then sunk to the floor to sit on the red, bookstore rug and lean his back against one of the children's fiction shelves. "Sit with me, Jules," he stated, looking up at me with those baby blues.

"Why would I sit on the floor with you?"

"Why must you question everything?" He said back, his pencil already moving on the sketch book. He never stayed still, that book was full of several sketches he had made when he was supposed to be sitting still. "Just sit your flat ass down."

"Don't even go there my ass has more meat than yours can ever dream of having," I laughed, finally following his instruction and sitting next to him on the floor, long, jean clad legs stretched out. I mainly always wore jeans and hardly any skirts because I once heard my older sister, May say that tall girls shouldn't wear skirts. That it made their long legs a disgusting sight to see.

She might have been joking or trying to get to me but I had taken those words to heart ever since. May was cute and short, I was the tall, bony one.

"Your ass is just like mine, idiot," James snorted. I could see that he was sketching a dolphin, careful and with intricate details. "But Lani, that girl's ass always blows me away."

"Lani's ass blows everyone away," I admitted with a small sigh. That girl was the definition of a melanin popping beauty with all the right curves in all the right places. "So what's the real reason we're on this wild goose chase this afternoon?"

James paused in the act of tracing out the dolphin's tail to look at me. "There is no flying space dolphin book," he whispered as if he was letting me in on some age old secret.

"No shit, Sherlock." I wound the tip of my hair around my finger. "So why then did you decide to bring us here?"

"I wanted to talk to you, Jules."

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