Chapter 18~ Care

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dedicated to kota97d. Thank you for all the votes, love

in case y'all were confused about it, Jules is ten years younger than JT, someone asked in the previous chapter.

lowkey confession though, Jules is loosely based on my attraction to older guys.

Proceed :)

"JESUS, CAR. TELL ME THERE'S NOTHING between you and Zac," I whisper yelled into her ears, pulling her back from her action of moving into the kitchen. She had arrived on Sunday and was going to spend just three days here before going back to Canada and I was eighty-five percent sure that there was something between she and Zac.

The small wink he had shot in her direction now before going off into the kitchen had been the last straw of my camel's curiosity.

"Course not," she scoffed, rolling her pale blue eyes and prying my fingers off her small hands. "He's cool and we started vibing a lot ever since he came to pick me up at the airport, Jules. No need to be a mom, I know he's a walking boning machine."

"So basically a male you?" I couldn't resist adding as I finally released the short girl. We continued our walk to the kitchen for Thanksgiving dinner together, none of us had gone home and Lani had volunteered to cook up some of her native meals for us. I was personally excited for it, seeing as they had all been eager when I had done the same once by cooking our Korean dishes for them.

I cooked with YouTube. I wasn't aunt Cho perfect unlike my annoying sister, May.

"You got that right, girlie." She flipped the mess of dirty blonde over her shoulder. "Boning machines do not bone each other, it's the number one rule of the bone Bible."

"The bone what?"

"Bible," she completed with a certain flourish. "You know the one that says --"

"I don't need to know," I cut in, frowning slightly. My mind went to JT, I wondered how his own evening was going, I'd call but that would mean first talking to Bertie, something I didn't want. "With all you boning instruments around me, I wonder how I'm even still a virgin."

"Your aunt would murder you if you lost it." We were about to enter the kitchen now, I could hear the voices of the others chattering lively. "Besides, I'm pretty the beautiful twin has something going on with him already."

"With those two you can never actually tell." Liz and Zac's thing still confused me and after a while I stopped bothering about it. James quite frankly didn't give a fuck, Lani would rather pluck out her eyelashes one after the other than ask them and I actually wanted to know really. "Just stay away from Zac."

"Got it, mom."

They were already seated around the island table, the high stools placed around and I inhaled the aroma of the foreign food. Liz and Zac were sitting side by side, talking and opposite them was James wearing a black shirt hoodie and shorts, bent over a sketch pad. Lani was by the cooker, busy in a white apron and I felt bad that this felt more comfortable than any holiday dinner I had ever had with my actual family.

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