Chapter 4: The Theatrical Bastard Makes an Entrance

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Kyon POV:

I let out a growl as Equus continued hiccuping into my suit. I held him close as the nobles' wife emerged from the bushes. She had the same attributes every one of their race had, orange skin, two large eyes, two arms, a thick tail, and two legs. She had vibrant pink hair that formed a bob around her face.

"I mean you no harm," she started, arms out in the universal symbol for peace and surrender.

"Well then stay right there," I growl back and shift Equus to he's leaning on my non-dominant arm, allowing me to fight off any unexpected attack easily.

The woman stops just outside of the bush she came out of. Her eyes flickered behind me, keeping a watchful eye on the slumbering dragon. Her eyes looked almost worried as she looked at Equus. I clutched him tighter when she let her arms drop to her sides.

"What's your business here besides informing the Theatrical Bastard of our location and situation" I hiss out.

"Something has happened to your home planet and is most likely the reason for his change in mental state," she pointed at Equus. I sighed; that would do it. Equus has a special connection to Earth that makes his mood change during the seasons. At first, I was a bit irked that she knew of Equus' most recent development, but I pushed the suspicion away. The Royal Bastard would be able to tell his spies of any information concerning Equus.

"What do we need to do to get him back to being ok?" I ask quietly, though I know she heard me. Suddenly Equus starts moving, his eyes aren't puffy from crying, and they hold a wispy glaze over them. Summer emotions.

I curse under my breath as he stumbles to his feet and a broad smile splits his face as he pats my face. Then he looks around and spots something on the ground. Running towards the spot, he crouches down and looks. I sigh. This season is one of his most problematic changes to deal with.

In the Summer, Equus tends to exist in another otherworldly sense. He's always curious, naive, and not entirely there. As if some kid was playing him like a video game character. It's really weird because he tends not to think things through and daydreams a whole lot.

Most of the time, I put him on house arrest during the summer months. Other times I lock him in his bedroom. On his more attuned-with-his-surroundings days, I let him come on a mission.

I stand up, keeping one eye on the woman as I walk over to Equus. Since his Fall emotions hit him hard, he'll probably be second in command of his actions right now. I groan as I pull out a pair of handcuffs. This day just got a whole lot more annoying.

I crouch down next to Equus and see that he's staring off into the distance, unseeing. I lift his wrist, clasp the handcuff around, and then place the other around my left wrist. Then pulling him to his feet, I walk him back to where we were before and sit down.

"Ok, what happened to Earth?" I ask, looking at the woman.

"We aren't sure, but we're positive that something has happened to the four primorials contracted to him. Chaos isn't sure of the specifics, but with him changing moods so often, he offered to keep Equus at his home planet while the issue is fixed" she sat on her knees and explained with a stony face, not showing any emotion, but her voice was laced with sympathy for whatever was going on.

"Uh-huh, and let's see, once the issue is fixed, I'm going to guess that Chaos isn't going to let Equus go. Also, where am I in that equation? Plus, I- shit" I feel a small tug on the handcuff and look over at Equus.

But there was no Equus. I curse again under my breath and look around for him. Equus doesn't go far in this phase; he tends to stick around me. The only problem is he manages to find some trouble in the small vicinity.

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