Chapter 7: Consulting The Ground For Information

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Kyon POV:

I woke up early, used to making breakfast for Equus and myself. When I sat up, I noticed it was still dark out. There must be a time change or something compared to Randometro. I sighed and got up.

I hadn't changed last night, so I just sneaked out of the cabin and walked around camp a bit. The sun had just begun to rise as I walked past the climbing wall.

The camp was almost eerily quiet as I walked as if it was holding its breath, waiting for something to happen.

I breathed in deeply and whispered, looking at the ground," Can you give me a sign for the problem? I'm here to help Equus." I hoped Gaea knew I was speaking to her. I would feel stupid if I was just pointlessly talking to the ground.

I sighed when there was no change in my surroundings and continued walking the loop around camp. When I passed by the strawberry fields, a small mound of dirt shook. Like it was having its own mini earthquake. Intrigued, I walked over to look at the mound.

When it stopped shaking, there was a small message in the dirt. I squinted, reading the Ancient Greek writing. I swiped my hand across the message as I stood up, running the words through my head,

Reality is the issue.

I almost growled at the riddle. Of course, powerful beings didn't tell you anything, and when they did, they spoke in a way that didn't make sense.

I huffed. "Thank you, Gaea. I'll try my best to make sense of it" I nodded thanks towards the ground reluctantly.

Looking around, I noticed movement in the cabins, most likely the counselors. I walked behind the Hermes cabin and waited till I heard the voices leave and the door slam shut. Then I watched the Stolls from my hiding place, watching as they filtered into the Big House with the others.

I walked casually towards the house and then slipped in quietly. After making sure no one was around, I changed into my spirit wolf form, walking through the walls into the rec room.

It was just as I remembered it, cheese whiz and all. I smiled nostalgically as Chiron sat in his wheelchair at the head of the table as the campers either bickered, played around, or sat bored.

All heads whipped towards Chiron as he began the meeting. "Counselors, we are here to investigate the many primordials and figure out what is causing the unrest. I will list off primordial names and domains; you may nominate your cabin if you think you would be set for the job. There are 15 primordials that need campers. However, a total of fifteen campers will go to each primordial. These are not normal quests. The Olympian demigods will get one primordial per cabin should they have enough demigods. Minor gods and goddesses will merge with each other to go after primordials that their abilities work well with. Seeing that we have only one child of the Big Three, we will have some of the same ability minor gods and goddesses campers go along with Nico. Now let's get started."

"Primordial of Light, Aether. The demigods of Apollo seem to be closer to his domain. Will, do you accept this selection?" Chiron spoke, looking at the Apollo counselor. Will nodded his head, eating a chip with cheese whiz as Chiron wrote on his sheet of paper.

"Erebus Primordial of Darkness. Now we have to be careful because there is also Nyx Primordial of Night, Tartarus Primordial of the Pit, and Calligo Primordial of Nothingness. We cannot be hasty and slap the Hades cabin on Erebus. Are there any cabins who will take on any of the four previously mentioned primordials?" Chiron looked thoughtfully at the demigods.

I sat down near the table, thinking. Of course, the Hades cabin would do best in Tartarus, seeing that Nico's father is the God of the Underworld. Selene, goddess of the Moon, Melinoe, goddess of Ghosts, Nemesis goddess of Revenge, Deimos, the God of Terror, Phobos god of Fear Moros, the God of Doom, could do good in those situations.

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