Chapter 10: Conversing With a Dinosaur

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Kyon POV:

Ryan and I walked back to where Rayne was. I didn't notice how long it took us to walk back until I looked at the sun and saw how low it had sunken. It was definitely afternoon rush now; maybe we missed the meeting.

I saw Rayne still seated under the tree and looked questioningly at her and her siblings.

"Hey, did we miss the meeting?" I ask, and she whips her head to look at me.

"No, the line just slowed down a lot. I feel as if the primordial is deciding how much chaos he wants to invoke before we actually get to meet him. My group is the next and last group, but ever since the end-of-work rush started, the line has been a whole lot slower than before," Rayne said, annoyed. I nodded, definitely something Chaos would do, just to get under her skin.

I looked at the Starbucks and saw that the line had not moved from the few minutes I had stood here talking to Rayne. I saw Ryan lay down on the grass and put an arm over his eyes. A nap, man, that sounds like heaven, except it won't when I fall asleep. I pinch my arm to keep my eyes from drooping and sit near Ryan, watching the Starbucks.

Suddenly the restaurant moved at an average rush-hour pace. Rayne's eyes widen, and she sends her two siblings out to find the rest of the demigods. I look at her, confused.

"Chaos wants all of us here, that's why when you guys left, and the rest disappeared, the line slowed down," she quickly sputtered out, and I nodded slowly. I have a feeling it had something to do with me, but I didn't want to sound pompous by saying that out loud, so I shut my mouth and agreed with her.

Rayne's eyes suddenly looked worried as she looked around as if searching for something. "What's up?" I asked.

"They're waving at me, but my siblings just left." I nodded and then flicked Ryan's knee; he startles up, and I laughed at his expression.

"We'll go with you, come on Ryan, we get another turn" I stood up and pulled both Ryan and Rayne to their feet then we started across the street. After dodging a few cars, we made it to Starbucks. The last group was somewhere in the center of the restaurant.

We made our way to the rest of our group and switched with the children of Nemesis. Though Rayne made sure to tell them to stay close since Chaos was sure to show up. Rayne stood at attention as stiff as a board. Ryan looked halfway from starting a conversation and hiding behind me. I sighed; this wasn't going to work.

"So Rayne. How long have you been at camp?" I start. She doesn't turn or even look at me; instead, she answers, staring a hole into the mortal's head who's in front of her.

"Just after the Second Giant War" I nod, wondering a bit. So Rayne has been here around five years and Ryan a little over that, probably six years. I try to see their necklaces but fail.

"Hey, I was told you guys wear necklaces. What happened to them?"

"Hmm? Oh, we have them. Mine's a bracelet," Rayne answers and, in proof, holds her right wrist up to show a five bead bracelet.

"What about you Ryan, where's yours?" I look at the guy standing beside me. He sends a quick look in my direction before looking at a wall.

"Uh, mine's made into a dreamcatcher in my cabin," he whispers out. I smile.

"That's a cool idea! Did you make it?" I ask loudly and throw my arm around his shoulders, forcing him forward.

"Uh yeah, I did," he says even quieter. I let my arm drop, and he discreetly shuffles back to where he was before.

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