Chapter 14: Weird Wood Wall Rituals

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Kyon POV:

I was allowed to participate in the counselor meeting since I had been at the Olympus one. They all argued about who was better suited for a gladiator battle, but in truth, every single one would most likely be fine.

The issue was the 'catch' that Ares mentioned. Also, the small bit in the prophecy.

"I can adapt better to different situations. Also, I can do close and long-distance combat! I'm the best suited for this kind of thing," Thalia argued.

"I'm his daughter! Meaning that I will most likely understand what twisted thing he changes during the fights and be able to overcome it. Also, I can use a spear better than you can," Clarisse growled back.

"Ladies, ladies, you're both deadly. But right now, we need to figure out who the person in the prophecy is," Travis pointed out and got two extremely terrifying, rage-filled, killer counselors on him. Thankfully Malcolm spoke up before Clarisse and Thalia could gut Travis.

"The prophecy spoke of 'The Protector Of Space.' Meaning that someone from space would have to come down here and fight this trial for us" "Malcolm started.

"Or it could just be space as in emptiness, so if a camper from the Primordial of Nothingness quest got Calligo's approval, maybe they are the quote on quote" Protector of Space," Rachel added from her seat beside Chiron.

"It could be either Calligo or Chaos' group. Did anything of the sort happen to you guys?" Will pointed out. The counselors looked at Alex and me. I jumped when I realized I was the only one besides the minor gods and goddesses' children that went on the quest.

Alex was shaking his head. "No, she didn't do anything. Merely wrote in the dirt that she wasn't in a vengeful mood or whatever. Honestly, we didn't even see her."

Wait, this could be my chance. If I say that Chaos took us to different rooms and spoke to us individually and then mentioned how I was the protector or something, I could do the trial without doing anything crazy.

"Um, now that I think about it, Chaos did say something like that to me," I said softly as if not wanting to be heard. The counselors looked at me, and I pretended to wince, putting up the act that I didn't really want to do this.

"So, let's say that you heard correctly and you are the Protector of Space, that means that you succeed in getting the shrine, we give it to Thesis, and boom, no more primordial issues for a while," Conner stated, and I nodded slowly.

"Ok, then if no one has any more ideas, Kyon will be the demigod Ares takes tomorrow morning. Thalia and Clarisse, I know you wanted to do this, but this was foretold. Please be kind to him" Chiron then dismissed the meeting, and I hurried out to dinner, ready for a meal.

I sat next to my siblings after sacrificing food to the gods and ate quickly. Finishing seconds of a weird casserole, I left the dining pavilion and headed to Zeus' Fist.

Suddenly the ground started shaking, and I looked at the floor beside the rocks that made up the Fist. There sprawled out in Ancient Greek was a message from Gaea herself.

You have an incoming package.

I didn't want to know what the package was. With how the message was passed along, I could only assume it wasn't the best thing. Probably something that will sabotage my well-being with my luck.

I wiped the message away with my foot and climbed onto the boulders. Sitting down on the tallest one, I looked over the forest. Birds flew away from something over on the horizon as the air rustled my hair.

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