Chapter 24: Deals and Deadlines

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Kyon POV:

I felt Equus turn and move away from me, no longer clutching my fur for dear life. My eyes snapped open, aware of the change in atmosphere and mood radiating off him; Winter was in charge now.

"I'll see you later Kyon," Equus stated and vaulted over my stationary body. I shifted to my human form and watched as he rushed to the door of the cabin, not bothering to put on shoes, humming a strange tune to himself.

"No breakfast?" I asked, and he froze.

"No, there's no time, and I don't really want to kill everyone there," Equus stated, then flashed me a psychotic grin before running out of the cabin, most likely to the training hall. I heard the strange song he was humming fade away as he got further away and sighed.

I yawned, wanting to go to sleep, but then remembering my quest for today, I stood up. I patted my cloak and sighed in relief when I felt the familiar book. I groaned as I looked over my torn pants and cloak; my t-shirt was most likely all torn up from the bites to my shoulders and the cuts to my stomach.

I debated on calling Chaos to get me my clothes from his planet but dismissed the idea. They had already done more than they should've.

I sighed as I walked to the Hermes cabin, resigning myself to orange and blue. I walked in and saw some of the campers getting ready for the day. Some of them waved while others continued what they were doing, ignoring my presence.

I walked over to Travis and asked for an extra set of clothes; he was around my physique and height. He handed me over an extra pair of blue jean shorts and a Camp Half-Blood t-shirt.

I thanked him and changed out of my all-black attire, keeping my mask on as I changed. Which wasn't easy, but I managed. I placed the shrine into my jeans' back pocket and strapped my daggers and sword onto my waist. Then I moved the horns onto my waist. I threw my clothes into the trash; I wasn't going to wear those anymore because of how destroyed they were.

It was strange to walk around in such bright clothes. I had been wearing black for so long it almost felt revealing to wear something more colorful, or something that wasn't pants and a long sleeve.

I quickly walked out of my cabin and went to the dining hall, trying to ignore the feeling of being stared at because of my bright clothes. I was surprised to see Chaos still here, in the form of a blue jay on Hestia's shoulder. I waved to them and sat down for breakfast.

I quickly sacrificed to the gods and then scarfed down my plate of pancakes. I ate a few more stacks, considering this was my catch-up on the past six days or so on food; it was expected, to me at least.

"Kyon, are you ready to go to Thesis?" Chiron came up to me, and I nodded, smiling.

"Yea, but first, I need to make sure Equus eats something."

"Be careful, we tried to get him to eat, but he merely threatened our lives. When one of our more talented swordsmen tried a duel, he lost, and we managed to help him escape in one piece," Chiron warned. I nodded, taking in the situation; that was the usual reaction of Equus if you weren't someone he knew well enough and you were trying to get him to do something he didn't want to do.

"Well, I have a feeling he'll listen to me. If it makes you feel better, you can come along, but I'm perfectly capable of handling Equus," I answered nonchalantly, shrugging my shoulders.

Then I stood from the Hermes table and grabbed a plate, already filled with food. I then walked out of the pavilion to the arena holding Equus' breakfast. I heard Chiron call a few campers over and follow me. I sighed. I've had to deal with Equus' Winter season for five years. Though it's never been this bad, I knew I could deal with it.

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