Chapter 21: Playing Chicken With a War God

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Equus POV:

"Hey Equus, how'd it go?" I looked to the side and saw Chaos, now a surfer dude cliche, looking down at me.

"They agreed to switch a season every day, I get to stay in Spring, but tomorrow I'll be in Summer," I explain and stand on the ground, testing our agreement. Thankfully I didn't feel Gaea trying to sabotage my emotions and walked out of the ocean.

"Where are all the campers?" I ask, and Chaos motions for me to follow.

"You've been in the meeting for about an hour. Around this time, the campers go to cheer on Kyon."

"Kyon? Why are they cheering him on?"

"It appears they had a prophecy, and it said that Kyon would be the one to win the shrine that Thesis wants."


"Ares had the shrine and required a trial to give the shrine to Kyon. It seems that the trial has lasted two weeks already" Chaos finished just as we reached the outside area of the Big House.

There on the side of the house was a projection of sorts. On the wall was Kyon fighting a strange bat-like creature. It continuously swooped down on Kyon, who looked to be suffering from many wounds.

Of course, Kyon could probably finish this trial quickly if he used his ability, but I'm guessing he kept that secret.

I watched silently as Kyon rushed towards the bat creature as it dove. The beast looked surprised as Kyon slid underneath it and slashed across its back, killing it.

The campers watching erupted in cheers, and some shouted encouragement to the demigod. I smiled and clapped along with the campers.

Suddenly the screen turned black, and I looked at the campers, confused. They started whispering as if this happened before. I listened in as they gossiped about another round.

Another round? How many rounds were there?

I felt a godly presence enter the camp and another familiar aura. I smiled widely and saw Chaos in the corner of my eye, looking at me with a teasing smile. "Shut up," I whispered at him.

He put his hands up in surrender, "Only if you stop him from plotting my death," I grinned mischievously at him and nodded.

Then I sprinted off in the direction of the two new presences. I rounded the corner of the Big House and literally tackled him to the floor.

Kyon tensed, but when he saw my mask, he instantly relaxed, sitting up as I hugged him. He winced, and I immediately became wary. Did I accidentally hurt him? I did just watch him battle a strange bat creature.

"Are you ok? Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, but oh my gods, you're covered in blood! Kyon! Why'd you let yourself get hurt this much? Seriously! We have to get you to the infirmary," I spoke, shocked, as I looked at my arms that were draped over his shoulders moments before, now covered in red sticky blood.

"Equus? What are you-" he blatantly ignored my entire rant about his well being. I huffed at him until I realized that he was looking over my head. I turned and saw Chaos turn the corner, following after me.

"Calm down Kyon. The Fates told him I had to come down here," I lied. Unfortunately, Kyon knew me well enough to know I was lying. He frowned as he growled at the primordial.

"Careful Doggo, you might accidentally turn into a wolf if you growl like that," I teased, releasing some tension from the air.

"Equus how are you feeling? Are your seasons going haywire? What's your average time in-" I cut him off.

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