Chapter 36: A Tactful Leave

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Equus POV:

I woke up in my eight-legged horse form and kicked my legs, feeling the numbness fade away. I shifted, so I was standing and listened to my surroundings as my horse ears swiveled around, hearing everything.

I took in the silence of the room, the pounding of footsteps from behind the pale door, the yelling of voices somewhere nearby. I clenched my eyes shut, dispelling the image of the white room. My hearing intensified, and I heard the next room over, groans, whispers, shifting, and heartbeats—the infirmary. I smiled when I listened to the pulse of hearts; they were alive.

Suddenly a bang on my door scared me. I snapped my eyes open and whipped my head around to see Kyon huffing as if he had just run ten miles. After my heart rate slowed, I shook my mane in greeting. Then seeing his constantly shifting eyes, I cocked my head in question.

"Barrier please," he said suddenly, no greeting, meaning something was going down. He moved a nearby chair under the door handle, keeping the door barricaded. I was confused but put the barrier up around him and the bed I was on. Kyon took a visible sigh of relief, and his shoulders slumped.

"Thank you, ok here's the rundown, angry Thalia and Nico, it took all I had to give you a few hours of rest. Also, all campers survived your rampage, so don't worry," Kyon took a deep breath and walked over to me. My face must've looked panicked because he sat down and patted my head.

"Don't worry Equus. Thalia and Nico aren't angry for the reasons you're thinking of. It's actually probably worse than if they were angry about you wanting their blood," Kyon assured me. I felt the blood drain from my horsey face. What could they possibly be angrier about? Almost destroying camp? Attacking campers? I wasn't sure.

I felt guilt claw through my heart, and my lungs clenched together. I breathed shallower, finding it easier without the stabbing pain of my wounds. Kyon looked at me worriedly as I changed out of my horse form to my human.

Kyon took his hand off my head and looked at the floor. I crossed my legs and sat in the center of the bed. We couldn't hear or see anything that was happening past the barrier. We could only assume that Thalia and Nico had gotten through the weak chair barricade and were waiting in the room.

I pulled my knees to my chest and clutched my arms tightly around my knees. I dug my fingernails into my hand. My body shook with unused energy as I felt the need to attack something, to blow off steam. I chewed my lip, fighting off the feeling.

"So, are you going to face them?" Kyon asked softly, barely above a whisper. I stopped chewing my lip, but I dug into my hand more ferociously. I didn't know. I didn't want to know why they were angry. I didn't want to show myself to them.

I needed to see a few more close friends and family before I left. I felt a sense of pain clutch my heart; I'm leaving. I stopped scratching into my hand and instead chewed on my lip again. I was running scenarios through my mind. I needed to see Mom and Paul. I needed to go and see Blackjack and Mrs. O'Leary. I couldn't leave before that. I tasted blood as my lip broke. I ignored it and thought deeper. Thalia and Nico could have their way with me tomorrow. But today, today was for Mom and Blackjack and Paul and Mrs. O'Leary.

I felt my resolve strengthening. I would take Nico and Thalia by surprise and escape, I'd use my small bird form to get through them, and if that didn't work, I'd use my fastest horse form. I could do this; I just had to get away.

Kyon looked at me wearily, but I smiled at him. "Equus, I know you're thinking of escape, but can I clean up your hand first?" he pointed at my left hand. I blinked and looked at my hand; it was bleeding from where I was scraping at it. I cursed and let Kyon clean and bandage it, not that my hand needed it.

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