Chapter 44: The Quest For Subway

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Kyon POV:

I awoke with a purpose. Determination brewed within my gut, dissolving the despair as hope filled me. I would see Equus again; he wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

I looked down at the copper-colored dragon still holding me close with his head in my lap. I smiled softly at Peleus. He really took to me over the course of the mission. I wouldn't want to leave him, but he had Rachel. She seemed nice enough, especially if she sat with Peleus.

"Hey buddy, I've got to get moving. Thank you for the warmth," I spoke softly, and Peleus' eyes snapped open. He looked at me before huffing and moving his head back to his claws. I stood stretched and patted his head.

Walking down the hill, I shifted to my spirit-wolf form and took off. I felt exhilaration as I ran through trees and rocks, not feeling anything as I ran. I was going to see Equus again; he wasn't gone forever. I could see him again.

I poured on speed as I saw the buildings getting closer. I let my tongue roll out of my mouth and tail wag as I ran, allowing my excitement to show.

I came to a stop on a random street in New York and looked around, trying to pinpoint the nearest Subway. I sniffed the air, trying to find the smell of sandwiches. Unfortunately, sandwiches don't have much of a scent.

I ran into an alleyway and shifted back to my human form. Then quickly, I grabbed a passerby. "Could you tell me how to get to the nearest Subway?" I asked. The man ripped his arm from my grip and huffed. "I don't know, look it up."

I frowned at his rudeness, but my hopes stayed up. Nothing could bring me down. I grabbed a few more people, asking the same question. Thankfully, an older lady had the sympathy and time to point me in the correct direction. I thanked her and ran down the block, taking a left when the lady instructed me to.

I saw someone holding a Subway bag and raced towards them. "Excuse me, could you tell me where the Subway is?" I asked the teenage boy. He looked at me weirdly but pointed me to the right and told me to take a left around three blocks down.

I expressed my gratitude and then shot off, not caring if I looked like a maniac with the strange looks people gave me. I grinned when I saw the familiar Subway logo and bolted towards it, dodging a few taxis as I sprinted across the street.

I barrelled through the door and waited in line to get to the counter, a tad bit antsy. Sure, I was here to get a ticket to see Equus, but I haven't had breakfast yet. I waited in line impatiently, my fingers tapping on my leg as I watched customers customize their sandwiches.

After the umpteenth customer, an employee turned to me. "Hello, I'd like whatever your special is for today and a ticket to Chaos' planet," I sputtered. The employee nodded and started making the sandwich.

"Unfortunately, the Subways on Earth have been deactivated." the employee spoke with a monotone voice. "Would you like avocado or fifty percent more meat?" the employee's voice returned to normal. I blinked. What?

The employee repeated their question, and I quickly denied and paid for my turkey sandwich. But my mind was elsewhere. The Subways on Earth were deactivated? How was that possible? Unless. Equus.

I growled as I took my sandwich off the counter. As soon as I was about to leave, the employee grabbed my wrist. I froze and turned towards the blank-looking teenager. "You are Kyon, correct?" the monotone voice was back, and I nodded slowly. The employee let go of my wrist and stood up straight.

"Wait here, I will be back," the teenager then left the counter and entered the backroom. I had no idea what was going on, but I honestly hoped he would give me a ticket. The employee returned and handed me a piece of paper. Again with the notes!

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