Chapter 11: The Escape

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Kyon POV:

The return to camp was exactly what I expected it to be, hectic. Some groups were back already, and that just made me think of how much easier their quests were than ours. Of course, the Tartarus group would most likely be out the longest since they met with three primordials and had to venture through Hell itself.

Of course, since Tartarus was a part of a deal made five years ago, he kept the monsters at bay in his domain until the demigods left, allowing them mostly safe passage through his realm.

I left the group quickly after we got back. Well, more accurately, the Horae campers went to the Big House, and the rest split up. I stayed right at the border, chilling out with Peleus.

Ryan decided to hang with the dragon and me, which I thought was pretty nice of him. But I guess he was pretty much alone in his cabin.

"How did you get Peleus to like you so much?" Ryan asked. I chuckled a bit.

"Rachel said something similar, but I'm not sure maybe he thinks I'm someone else" I look at Peleus as he sleeps. I realize it might be because of Equus that he's so accepting of me.

We sit in silence and listen as the soft breeze moves the trees surrounding the camp. Shouts and cries can be heard as campers arrive back from their quests. Suddenly a booming voice runs through the valley. I whip my head around to see the Tartarus group back. That was fast.

They should have been the last ones to return unless something happened. I stand up and walk down the hill quickly. The lone Hermes camper that accompanied Tartarus's group was sprinting down the hill; someone was on his back. A few seconds later, the rest of the Tartarus group hobbles over Half-Blood hill, looking exhausted and banged up.

There's an Apollo camper yelling to clear the way as the Hermes camper doesn't slow as he runs to the Big House. I recognize the camper as Conner. Then I see the demigod on his back is Nico, and he looks as if he's fading in and out.

Conner runs through the Big House's open door, and the Apollo camper runs in after them closing the door. I run towards the group as the rest of the Apollo cabin fusses over the returners.

"We were down there, and well, Erebus didn't like us much, we had already met with Tartarus and Nyx and wanted to leave as soon as possible. Erebus, even though he couldn't directly hurt us because of where he was, still riled up some monsters that we had no chance of beating. We were tired, but monsters kept rising. Tartarus was already holding a horde of monsters and Erebus back, so he couldn't do much. That's when Nico told us all to run over and grab a part of him. We did as he asked, and then this horrible feeling washed over me; it was pure darkness like a shadow. When I snapped out of it, Conner had already lifted Nico up and started running. That's when I noticed Nico started to look like he was fading," the boy finished as I looked sorrowfully at the group.

Even though I hate the part of Tartarus' deal, he made good on his promises. Silently, I thanked him for doing what he did—then ran towards the Big House. I stepped behind it and shifted to my spirit wolf form, and ran through the walls to the infirmary.

I walked in and looked over Nico; he was basically see-through. Will, the Apollo camper, had a unicorn draught on an IV that was stuck in his arm. Nico was breathing laboriously, and Conner was sitting in the corner, legs bouncing up and down as he watched.

Will huffed as he sat down, running a hand through his hair. "I told him, no shadow-traveling. Doctor's orders," his voice caught, and he took a deep breath. Then he moved his hand towards Nico's shoulder and hesitantly tapped.

His eyes lit up when he felt that Nico's shoulder was solid. Conner visibly relaxed. His leg stopped bouncing as much, and he leaned back.

"He's doing better already; I say an hour or so of the IV, and he'll be completely solid again," Will announced, and Conner sighed in relief.

"I'll go tell the camp," Conner said and patted Will on the shoulder before leaving. Seeing that Nico was ok, I walked through the walls how I came and shifted human again.

I heard cheers from the front of the Big House and smiled, glad that Nico was going to be ok. Then there were more yells. I almost groaned, almost.

Shouts were heard as demigods poured over Half-Blood Hill. I recognized Pollux leading the group as the fifteen demigods ran down the hill. The demigod group then ran till they were on even ground and then stopped, huffing.

"Hey, dude, what happened?" I asked tentatively. Pollux's head shot up, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"That Thesis guy was not fun. We couldn't tell real from illusion and ended up just running and slashing at anything that looked dangerous. Ran all the way from Hartford," Pollux huffed. He looked horrible, his hair was everywhere, and his eyes were bloodshot as if he'd been crying. I noticed some demigods sniffling or wiping their eyes, and I realized they had been crying.

I instantly felt a surge of anger towards the primordial of Reality. Thesis had messed with their minds, not cool. That is a total dick move. Sure, you're not physically harming them, but mentally, this group just died inside a little more.

"So let me guess. He's the one," I said, and Pollux nodded in affirmation.

"And I know what he wants," Pollux finished. 

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