Chapter 5: The Creator's Netflix Subscription

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Kyon POV:

Chaos teleports us to their home planet, making sure that Equus gets a connected room to mine if his emotion changes in the middle of the night. But also because Chaos has no clue on how to deal with human emotions.

Equus has changed seasons yet again, back to his Winter phase, so he's overly hyper and bloodthirsty.

I decided to speak with Chaos while Equus went to the training room. I watched my partner as he dueled both real aliens and dummies.

"So, what's the plan on getting Earth back on track?" I ask as I watch Equus decapitate a dummy and nick the arm of an alien.

"The plan was sending you guys to Earth and fixing the problem," Chaos says simply, and I whip my head over towards the frequently changing primordial.

"Choose a fucking shape, so I can yell at you properly," I growl out. Chaos decides on a simple human shape, a 6 foot, Viking style warrior. I look down a bit since I'm an inch taller and glare at him.

"You are fucking stupid if you think I'm letting Equus go back to Earth as he is now."

"But isn't this phasing emotions supposed to be a call out for him to return to his home planet?"

"Of course it is, but there's a reason Equus left in the first place, which is why I'll be going, alone. But you are going to have to pay me; I'm still a mercenary."

Chaos taps his chin with his ax, thinking. "How do you suppose we're going to deal with Equus' mood swings while you're away?"

"You're literally the creator of everything; you'll think of something. Also, a word of advice, he feels calm around sea creatures and horses. You know, son of Poseidon and all that." I respond calmly and look back at Equus, who had a pile of dummies surrounding him and a few aliens lining the walls getting first aid. I could see no scratches or bruises on him.

"What were you thinking for payment?"

"Oh, you know, something reasonable. I'm not really sure. Surprisingly Equus is more rational in that sense. If he happens to change into a Spring emotion phase while I'm gone, ask him. But I will tell you that once Equus is back to normal and I get back from the job, we're off the radar again. You'll have to start at ground zero to find us again."

Chaos huffs, nodding. Then I walk into the training room.

"Hey Equus, I've got to go run a few errands and do some missions. You have to stay here, though. I'm not sure how long I'll be gone, so sit tight" I clap him on the shoulder, and Equus wheels around. His seasons shift. Fall is back.

"Wh-What? Why are you leaving? Can't you stay?" he blubbers out, and I feel my heart clench again. Even with his mask on, I can feel his pleading eyes. I bite my lip and shake my head no.

"No, I can't stay. I'll be back for you, though, don't worry. I'm going to stay one more night, and then I'll be leaving in the morning" I let my hand drop from his shoulder, and he falls to his knees.

I see a stony expression cover the lower half of his face and immediately understand what's going on. A flashback, right now? I pick him up bridal-style before he can curl up into a ball and walk out of the training room.

I pass by Chaos, who was continually switching forms again, and walk down twisting hallways to Equus' bedroom. I kick open the door and lay him on his bed. After locking the door, I slowly move his mask to the side of his face and wipe the tears streaming from his eyes.

His eyes are glazed over, unblinking as he slowly curls into a ball on the bed. I jump behind him and pull Equus into my lap, letting him cry silently into my chest. At some point, he snaps out of his flashback and hugs me, straddling my waist as he wraps his legs and arms around me like a koala.

I simply sit there, with my chin on his head and arms wrapped loosely around his back. I wait for the hiccups to start and then slow before pulling back to wipe his tears away again.

I know that he always wants to be strong, be the one with the burdens, and never let anyone worry about him. But right now, the Fall phase makes him feel the emotions he tries to stamp out stronger, and he can't control them.

I know that he continually beats himself up for not controlling his seasonal mood swings, for crying, for needing me to look after him. I honestly don't mind. He keeps me tethered to the world by giving me a purpose.

He stops hiccuping and then slides off my lap, I let him, and he lays down next to me. I grab the weirdly shaped remote. Or what I assume is a remote and click what I presume is the on-button at a box shaped like a TV.

The alien TV turns on, and I sigh in relief when I see human apps. I actually might thank Chaos for this.

"What do you want to watch? Comedy? Action?" I ask as I turn on Netflix. Oh, thank Chaos. He has a paid subscription. I quickly make an account and look at Equus, who has turned on his side, facing away from me. I notice him shaking and put the remote down.

I shift into my ghostly wolf form and lay beside Equus, giving him a sense of support without pushing him. I place my head in my paws and lay close enough against his back where he can feel me but not right against him, so he can't move.

I close my eyes and slip into a half-sleep. Always aware of the happenings around me but still getting some semblance of rest.

I feel Equus shift beside me and him whisper, "Turn around." I comply and stand up, doing a 180, so my head is near the pillows instead. I lay back down and feel Equus move closer to me, pulling me into his chest and burrowing his face into my neck fur.

"Thank you," I hear him mumble, and I let out a soft whine in acknowledgment. I feel gentle breaths against my fur as Equus drifts off into dreamland. I don't move, knowing that his mask is off and knowing that Chaos is somewhere in the vicinity. Even if Chaos already knows what our identities are, there's a reason we wear the masks.

I couldn't let my guard down while Equus was vulnerable. I hear a soft voice fill my ears as Equus mumbles in his sleep.

"You should sleep. I'll do the thing, don't worry." I hear him shift, and the air surrounding the bed becomes thinner. Equus used the water molecules in the air to form almost a sort of barrier around us. Allowing a safe haven for whoever was inside, no sound, person, or object could penetrate without Equus' say so.

I nodded to him as he fell back down beside me and shifted closer if that was possible. I felt his soft breaths near my ear, and I closed my eyes. Allowing myself to slip into full sleep, trusting Equus and his barrier ability.

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