Chapter 49: The Seagull and Goose Dominion

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Equus POV:

It's been nearly six months since I sent Chaos down to Earth, and let's just say I wish the creator of the universe was more mature. Every day, at least once, he messes with me, whether it's annoyingly moving his head or mocking me through the mind link. I wish I could throttle him, especially since he's hanging out with my family and friends while leaving me with his mountain of paperwork.

My paper stack has only grown since the first time I arrived here. Of course, it's partly my fault; starting a project was not the best plan in the first week of the job but whatever. But now, at least, my papers are a bit more interesting to read. Instead of continuous reports of war, riots, peace, and assassinations, I get messages of how deciding a spy is going or complaints about the project, or letters from new spies announcing their presence on the planet.

Honestly, the light of my days is the hate letters; they're so funny. I actually make sure that those letters get brought along with the rest of the stack instead of being sorted out. They don't bother me and are my only form of amusement during my long-ass workdays.

I actually applaud whoever had the guts to send the literal ruler of the universe a letter of hate. I commend you and your stupidity. They feel like mini-Mes when I was on Earth as a pawn for the gods.

Anyway, the spy project is doing good despite the occasional hate. I had around three-fourths of my spies report a spy being sent. Most planets chose a different representative than the appointed spy, but it's not like I care.

At the moment, the spies that are already here have been going through training; physical combat, weapon training, diplomatic lessons, the works. Equipping them with the ability to get rid of a bad ruler, protect a good ruler, and advise or resolve relations between different countries on their planets.

Every so often, when I can sneak out of my office without getting caught, yes, they sometimes have to lock me in there so I can complete the paperwork; I watch the spies do their training. I feel like one of those dojo masters of those kung fu movies when the wise old sensei watches over the hundreds of trainees completing the same moves in time with each other. It gave me chills, which made me feel awesome. But that was around the time that I was dragged back to the office to complete paperwork.

Honestly, did Chaos do anything but paperwork as the creator? Why didn't he find a more efficient way of doing this during his years of service? I bet he forced the pact with me just to get out of his duties. I wouldn't put it past him.

I sighed as I read another complaint from a former spy, speaking of the disrespect of my actions towards said spy, telling me that I was throwing away everything they did for the universe. I felt bad, sure, but I wasn't Chaos; I didn't just drag a random alien into my scheme. I made sure to write a letter to each former spy who got their job revoked. It wasn't much, but it might help quell their anger.

Thankfully the day was almost over. By that, I meant I had another three hours of paperwork before I could go into my room and watch Chaos's adventures.

Of course, the three hours left of work were filled with me groaning as I read the papers. Barely making a dent in the stacks of paper spread along my desk and floor. You know that scene in the Mickey Mouse Christmas Carol when Scrooge is counting his money? Yeah, imagine the stacks of coins as paper and then multiply it by a large number, at least five.

A majority of the three hours was spent with procrastination as I twiddled with Riptide and dissociated into my mind. I could play video games and drink coffee in my mind space, maybe even take a nap. Of course, the other five primordials were there, but they were cool.

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