Chapter 19: An Excessive Amount of Hellhounds

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Kyon POV:

I blink my eyes open and see darkness. I blink rapidly as my eyes get used to the bleakness of the surrounding landscape. I do a three-sixty and see the desolate, black, bleak, flat surroundings. The Underworld? But without the buildings and places?

Good guess, but no

I growl at the war god. I'm real tired of the whole I'm-in-your-head-thing.

There's a moment

In your bones when

I groan out loud in an attempt to block out the singing war god. Seriously I thought Apollo was the god of music! Unfortunately, this is a private performance, and it's getting broadcasted right into my head. Seeing that the situation is a lot like the desert, I sit down, huff, and prepare for long wait times.

I bless the times a hellhound comes, and I can focus on something besides Ares' singing. And the song he's repeated a total of 37 times now.

Thankfully a monster other than a hellhound appears from the gloom. The thing had black-blue skin and was the shape of a man, he kind of flickered a bit, which made me worry. Suddenly he was a foot in front of me like he teleported.

I jump back as he starts to sniff me. I swing my sword out and impale him, but it just goes right through. Minorly freaking out, I pull out a bull horn and stab the man, my left-hand screams in pain at the action, but I ignore it. I'm much more focused on the fact that I can't stab this thing.

I step farther away from the spirit and see a strange look in his completely white eyes. His grim mouth twists up a bit, and he points right at me. Then suddenly, I feel a deep pain in my right shoulder. Looking down, I see the man with a mouth stretching out much too far, like a snake, clamped onto my shoulder. I feel deeper pain as I watch his jaw clench and teeth push farther into my skin.

Instinctively I hit the man over the head with my hilt, and he unlatches his mouth, though not before taking some of my shoulder with him. I yelp as I place a hand over the pebble-sized hole in my shoulder. My finger feels the crevice, and I almost want to collapse. That doesn't feel good at all, and with the dreariness of not being able to touch the beast. I took a deep breath; I really didn't want to be eaten alive today.

Wait, I just hit him. So he has to touch me first? Annoying.

I feel an ice-cold hand on my left shoulder and whip around to see another man shaped flickering entity, except this one was gray colored. I slice my sword over its hand, and it pulls away, cradling its hand. I hope that was because I can normally just slash through him and not that he has to touch me first.

The other man that tried to eat a chunk and partly succeeded glanced warily at the other man, who didn't even spare the guy a second glance. I could feel myself losing blood and waited for Ares to give me a deal of some sort. But of course, I was left in the dark.

The gray man appeared in front of me and grabbed me by the shoulders, pressing his thumb into the new wound. I gasped in pain and tried to slash at him to get his hands off me. But suddenly, I felt all my energy drain from me, my stomach growled, and it started to hurt like I haven't eaten in weeks. I felt the sword in my arms get heavier as my muscles screamed at the exertion of holding the blade. I felt my lips chap, and my cheeks and eyes sink into themselves.

Then realizing it was the man in front of me, causing the hunger, I barely managed to slash at him causing the guy to back off as I cut his arm a bit.

The man who ate a piece of me screeched out. I looked at the gray man with panic; I wouldn't survive another attack like that. I could practically feel my ribs chaffing against my skin. Using as much energy I could, I slashed out at the gray demon, placing Death-Touch onto the blade in desperation. The gray man looked at me with yellow eyes in surprise as the blackened blade nicked him, and his body turned to golden dust.

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