Chapter 39: The Hellhound Hello

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Equus POV:

As I walked through the streets of NYC, a realization came over me. I won't be in Spring tomorrow; Chaos forfeited that last time. I wonder if I can get Chaos to do it again, just for tomorrow.

I open my mental link to the primordial, Hey Chaos, can you get Ouranos to let Pontos let him have his day tomorrow. I kind of need my brain then.

Sure, but you won't have a Spring season for longer than usual.

That should be fine. Thanks, Chaos. I shut off the mental link, sighing in relief. At least now, I'll have a clear conscience to deal with my reveal and whatever else happens tomorrow.

I continued making my way towards camp, not knowing another place to look. Sighing, I figured an Iris Message would be safer than a face-to-face encounter. I pulled out my only drachma and walked behind a building. Then making a mist, the sun hit the water and created a rainbow.

"O Fleecy, do me a solid and show me, Nico di Angelo, probably at Camp Half-Blood," I whispered, and the mist showed the dark-haired demigod.

"Ok, don't kill me, you can do that tomorrow, but right now, can you tell me where Mrs. O'Leary is?" I asked quickly, rambling to prolong my life. Nico whipped his head towards me and practically growled.

"Why do you want to see Mrs. O'Leary?" he hissed.

"Personal reasons?" I answered unsurely. He huffed and crossed his arms.

"Only if I'm there the whole time, I don't want to risk her life," Nico grumbled, and I nodded, agreeing quickly. "We'll meet you in front of the Empire State Building in around ten minutes" with that, he dragged his hand through the message, closing communications.

I felt my throat go dry; Nico was going to be here. It'll be fine. Even if he's figured out who you are, it's fine. It's not like you weren't going to show your identity tomorrow anyway. I steeled myself as I weaved expertly through the bustling streets. I ran across streets and slipped between parked cabs. I soon made it to the Empire State Building; sighing, I waited by the front, off to the side.

My eyes constantly darted, taking in my surroundings, looking for any kind of danger. People bustled in and out of the building, all in business suits or clothing. The click of heels and tap of shoes never left. Honking horns, shouting people, dings of text messages, loud billboards, conversations, the clipping of suitcases, all kinds of sounds came into my ears. But the small, subtle ones were still there, the rustle of leaves, the chirping of birds, the squeaking of rats, and the hollow wind blowing through the buildings and people. I felt at peace in the chaos, ironic, I know, but this chaos, this was my home. I grew up here, learning how to weave through the alleys, the cars, the people, knowing how to notice every movement, enhanced by my ADHD. I smiled softly as I watched people, minding their own business as they bustled around.

I was aware of the smaller teenager walking towards me—a break in the flow of traffic, of the chaos. I kept an eye on him as he weaved through the crowd of people streaming from the Empire State Building. He was alone, though I wasn't surprised. Having an insanely giant hellhound on your heels in New York City wasn't the best idea.

Soon, Nico stood a few feet away from my seated form. We stared at each other, watching each other's movements. I put my hands up in a peaceful gesture and stood up. I felt Nico's eyes trained on me and my chest clenched when I looked over my cousin. His eyes had a sense of unrest in them, but thankfully, the bags had lessened, and his skin tone was less sickly. Under his black attire, I saw the bead necklace Campers wore.

"How's it going, Nico?" I asked easily, the words flowing off my tongue. Nico narrowed his eyes at me, a standoffish presence radiating from him. I couldn't hold it against him, though; I did attempt to kill the campers and burn down the camp.

"Well, I'm just dandy," he replied sarcastically. I saw bandages around his right collarbone, poking out from under his jacket. Probably from when I hit him, internally, I winced as I felt guilt clutch my heart.

"Um, I'm sure you don't want to bring Mrs. O'Leary out here. Where did you have in mind?" I asked, bringing the subject away from his well being.

"Follow me" I shrugged and walked up to him, then Nico set off in the way he came. I strolled next to him as we walked through New York traffic, dodging passersby and taxis. I followed along as Nico led us out of the busy city and into the suburbs. We came across a rundown warehouse, and I wearily looked around. Sure I trusted Nico, but he didn't know who I was, so anything could go.

I stepped tentatively after Nico as he walked calmly into the warehouse. The size was average; a vast empty, musty space welcomed us as we entered. Right in the middle was my favorite hellhound; Mrs. O'Leary slept with her head in her massive paws. I felt a grin break over my face as she boofed in her sleep, doggy dreams running through her mind.

"Well, here she is, but I'm watching you, so no funny business," Nico growled out, and I nodded, barely registering what he said. I slowly stepped forward; the hellhound that was larger than a tank sleepily fluttered her eyes open. They blinked a few times, and I stopped, ten feet or so in front of her.

Suddenly Mrs. O'Leary's eyes snapped open, and she took a deep breath in. A massive doggy grin broke out on her face as she sprang to her feet and settled her gaze on me. Then in one powerful spring, she launched at me. I simply stood there, letting Mrs. O'Leary give me her warmest welcome.

Soon my back was on the floor, and gigantic paws held my shoulders down as a tongue as long as me attacked my upper body. I struggled to get air in between the licks but managed to calm Mrs. O'Leary down with a few pats to her paws. The hellhound didn't get off me, though, merely shifted, so her chest was closer by, almost like she was keeping me close.

"I missed you too girl," I whispered; I was giving Nico enough hints. He didn't need more. I slowly got out of Mrs. O'Leary's grip and leaned against her massive chest, black fur surrounding me. I pet her as she laid back down, paws crossed in front of me.

"Listen, I don't have much time, ok?" I got a mix between a growl and whimper. Sighing, I continued, "I'm leaving tomorrow, for good. But if I come back next millennia or something, you'll probably still be here" I attempt to put positivity back into my situation. Attempt. My hellhound merely whimpers and places her large head on my shoulder, rubbing into me.

I stand up and twist, so her massive black nose is on my chest. I slowly bring my hands up and down her snout, soothing her distress. Mrs. O'Leary moved, so she was curled up in a ball. She looked up at me, and I sighed; I wasn't going back to camp tonight. I sat in the center of Mrs. O'Leary's circle, where her legs and tail all congregated. Then the hellhound snaked her neck and head around me, keeping me in her hold.

I sighed as I pet her head, content with the love and support I felt from my dog. I smiled softly at Mrs. O'Leary and laid comfortably against her side, taking in the warmth and safety. Sure, I didn't have nearly as strong trust issues as Kyon, but I was still wary and diligent. It came with the existence of being a demigod, or a mercenary for that matter. I was actually pleasantly surprised when I found that my eyes began to get heavy. Typically, in Winter, I'm only able to sleep when Spring takes over in full force.

I whispered a thank you. I wasn't sure who the thank you was for. It could've been to Nico for bringing me to Mrs. O'Leary, or maybe for the hellhound herself for being here. Perhaps both, I wasn't sure. But what I was sure of was that this was going to hurt like Hades when I got up tomorrow and had to leave my hellhound here.

But I wasn't going to think of that now. No, right now, all I wanted was to slip into Thesis's part of the pact without stressing over what I was going to do tomorrow.

I stopped petting Mrs. O'Leary and snuggled deeper into her side. Then I shut my eyes tightly and felt darkness claim me as I drift off. 

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