Chapter 37: Flour Wars

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Equus POV:

Kyon caught up to me, and we walked down the streets. I struggled to read the signs as we walked. I felt giddy, feeling nostalgia in my veins as I looked over the familiar streets. I stopped attempting to read the street signs and went with my gut, walking down roads and blocks I hadn't been on in five years.

When Kyon began lagging behind, I grabbed his wrist, and we weaved quicker through the throng of people. A grin split my face as I rushed along the busy streets like a true New Yorker, cutting in front of moving and parked cars and pushing past the busy rush. I turned right a few times before backtracking to turn left. I continued dragging Kyon along until we came across Goode High. A new wave of nostalgia hit me as I looked over the school. I briefly remembered that kids were still in school since it was wintertime and looked over the school. Occasionally, shadows would pass over the windows, and I'd see a glimpse of a student or teacher.

I smiled sadly, wondering if one of those was Paul. I shook my head and waved off Kyon's questioning look. I grabbed his wrist again and pulled him down the street, my motivation renewed.

I went from walking to jogging to running when I turned down the street, leading to the apartment complex. I let go of Kyon's wrist, and full-on sprinted towards the apartments. Sure, I was terrified of whatever Mom's reaction was going to be, but honestly, all I wanted was to get to her. To see her smile, her kind eyes, the familiar smell of cookies as I walked through the house. I longed to see my mother.

I stopped short in front of the apartment complex, huffing with exertion. My mind ran scenarios in my mind, and I couldn't calm down; my hands were shaking. I felt clammy fingers grasp my wrist and whipped my head over to see Kyon.

He looked nervous, with his clammy hands and tight-lipped mouth. I smiled uneasily as my heart thumped louder. Taking the initiative, I walked through the doors to the elevator. I stepped into the machine, and Kyon followed, albeit slower. I was physically shaking from either excitement, fear, or nervousness; I had no idea, maybe all three.

The elevator doors dinged open at floor four, and I pulled Kyon out of the elevator. I tugged him over to the seventh on the line, and we stood there. Side by side, looking at the crooked seven screwed into the brown door. I shakily brought my left hand up and knocked three times.

Kyon let go of my wrist and wrung his hands together anxiously. "Chill out man, my mom's super nice," I nudged Kyon with my shoulder, but he just looked at me fearfully. I kind of get where his mind is. His mom was practically insane and plagued with strange episodes. She would always wait for him to return home, but she was scary to be around for too long. I squeezed Kyon's shoulder reassuringly as I heard a crash from inside.

Pounding footsteps rushed to the door, and I took a deep breath. Kyon was safe. I was not.

The door opened slowly, just a small crack. I looked at the door, confused, until I heard a sniff. I snapped my eyes downwards to see a blue eye looking right at me. I was surprised, to say the least. But I quickly collected myself.

"Hello there, is Sally home?" I asked kindly, not wanting to scare the kid as I crouched down. It was strange to call Mom by her first name, but it seemed like the right thing to say at the moment. Imagine being a kid, and some weird masked dude asks where Mom is. If I were this kid, I would lock the door.

The eye merely blinked before closing the door completely. I stood up again and waited as footsteps pounded away from the door.

After a few minutes of Kyon constantly fidgeting and me twirling a pen, the door opened wider than before but showed another blue eye, which was higher up this time. The door opened wider to show Mom; she looked the same as always. Brown hair cascading down her back and shoulders, a blue apron covered her t-shirt and jeans.

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