3: 505

989 20 47

Karl Jacobs


It's been four days since Sapnap got me a cat on Minecraft. We've been playing together everyday for many hours a day, I wake up looking forward to it and I go to bed looking forward to playing the next day. But today we decided to actually go out instead of staying in. He needs to buy his sisters Christmas presents so I offered to join him, even though it is  Christmas  Eve and the shops will be packed. But i'm now sitting in the passenger seat of his car, embarrassed that I completely forgot to change my sweater. 

"It's cute that you wear it" he says, a small smile on his face as he looks at his own sweater on me. "I thought you would've threw it to the back of your closet".

"No, of course not" I say too quickly, embarrassing myself even more. "I just- it's a comfortable sweater" I pull the sleeves down to my wrist. "Now lets go".

Sapnap begins driving away from my house, he tells me to push play on his music and a song called '505' begins playing softly through the car speakers. Sapnap and I mostly have similar music tastes, but we do drift off from each other and like our own stuff. I've heard him play this song around me before but i've never really payed attention to it. He begins telling me his plans on what he wants to buy his sisters, he's already feeling bad because he's spending more money on Elaine then he is Julia. He's always been very close with Elaine, they're closer in age. Julia is his half-sister that is already much older then them and with kids. He's lucky to have siblings, everyday I wake up and wish that I had siblings I could be friends with instead of dealing with my parents arguments all alone.

"Uh, I hope you don't mind but Harmony is going to join us" that familiar feeling of jealousy returns after days of being missing after I hear her name leave his lips. I thought I wouldn't have to deal with her until we went back to school. "You like her, right?"

"Yea, she's cool I guess" I lie as I shrug my shoulders and look out the window. "You know how I am around new people" I look down at my sleeves, picking at a thread poking out the wrist.

"Yea, she keeps thinking you don't like her" well at least she's aware. "She thinks calling me sapnap is some kind of joke, I told her to stop".

"What will you do if she doesn't?" I look at him while he drives into the parking lot.

"I'd do nothing. I can't stop her" he says as he focuses on parking the car. "I think she's cool, she's real funny".

I just hum in reply, acting like i'm just focusing on getting out of the car. We both walk into the shops and I immediately spot Harmony. She's sitting on a bench with her legs crossed as she laughs at something on her phone. She has one of the cutest laughs i've ever heard. I really never thought i'd be jealous of someone because they're perfect, but here I am. I watch Sapnaps face light up as she gets up and gives him a hug. I awkwardly stand behind them, patiently waiting for them to finish greeting each other so we can go shopping. I don't like how I actually have to try and stay in a good mood just to hang out with Sapnap. I really don't like her and I have no idea why, she's amazing. Harmony hasn't done anything wrong to me, so I don't have any reason to dislike her. But when I see her I just get so angry, I can't stand watching her get along with Sapnap, it just gives me a bad feeling in my stomach.

"Karl, right?" I get taken away from my thoughts as I look up to see Harmony now standing right in front of me. "Your name, it's Karl?"

"Yea, Karl" I fake a smile. She suddenly pulls me into a side hug and I tense up at the sudden sign of affection. I look over at Sapnap who is getting Harmonys attention so she's not hugging me anymore. He knows I don't like hugs, why did he even let her hug me?

"Let's go" Harmony grins and we follow her further into the shops.


After hours of third wheeling and just walking behind Harmony and Sapnap i'm finally away from her and alone with him in the car. I didn't say a word today, I just done whatever they done. I'm convinced that Harmony forgot I was there, Sapnap would try talking to me but she'd answer it all before I even got a chance to talk. We got what we went there for which is good, now he has the presents he needs but that was the only good thing that happened. I had a terrible day and it's all Harmonys fault. 

But it isn't. She done nothing wrong, she was just talking with a guy that has interest in her, that's normal teenage behaviour. I'm just jealous for some very unknown reason. I found myself wishing that I was the one in her position, listening to Sapnap telling stories that i've heard a thousand times before, hearing his weird opinions on different fast food places, and listening to him go on and on about how good he was playing CSGO last night before bed. Sapnap and I are close, but we're friendly close. I can tell he has a thing for her, i'm always the first to notice when he has a crush. Sometimes I even notice before he does. But this one really hurts, deep down I know that i'll always just be a friend to him and i'll never be the one on his mind late at night again like I once was. 

"You're coming tonight, right?" I ask as we pull up out the front of my house.

"Yea of course. I'd never miss the Jacobs Christmas Eve party" he smiles, making me smile. "Same time as every year, yeah?"

"Yep, 6pm" he nods his head and we say our goodbyes as I get out of the car. My heart feels full knowing that i'll be seeing him again in a few hours. 

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