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Karl Jacobs


Harmony walks into her house to grab something while Sapnap and I wait in the car. He has this look on his face that i've never seen before, it frightens me. My leg bounces as I begin to get anxious. I haven't been to a party in a very long time and i'm not sure i'm ready to go to one, even if it isn't even technically a party but just a 'hang out'.

"Karl?" I look over at Sapnap. "Do you like Harmony?" the fluttering butterflies in my stomach instantly disappear. 

"Yea, of course. Why?" I lie.

"Well" Sapnap hesitates. "I really enjoy her company, I like being around her and I obviously think she's hot" he chuckles not knowing that my heart is cracking in my chest. "I was thinking of maybe asking her to be my girlfriend".

"Y-You's aren't together already?" I stutter, my leg now bouncing faster.

"Not officially. We kiss and stuff but we don't have a title" I nod, showing that I understand what he means. "I don't want this to change our friendship".

"What?" I frown.

Why would he be thinking this would change our friendship? Why is he even worrying about me when she's there? 

"Well you know, we've never really had a third person around. Harmony would be joining us when we're out and stuff, I want to make sure you're okay with that. Things have already changed, it'll change even more once it's official" he looks down at his lap.

"Yea, of course" I lie. I never want anyone or anything to get between us, or worse, join us. "I just want you to be happy Sap".

He doesn't reply. I look over at the house and see Harmony running out in a change of clothes, carrying a bag full of clanking bottles. She gets into the car, usually she's in the front but Sapnap gave it to me today for some reason. 


Music blares out of speakers, sweaty bodies are dancing on each other, smoke is coming from the corner of the room, drinks are being spilt, and I can't find anyone I know. I stupidly left my phone in the car and I can't find Sapnap to ask for the keys to go retrieve it. I lost Sapnap hours ago, I just saw him run off somewhere because Harmony was looking for him. I'd probably find him if I bothered to actually look, i'm just to scared to leave this corner. I feel safe here. I'm sitting on a couch that is has stains all over it and two people I don't know passed out beside me. I do wonder if they know each other.

I spot Aaron walking through the crowd of sweaty bodies, straight for me. He holds two cups full of drinks and he's smirking at me. He holds a cup out to me as he gets closer.

"Come on, bud! You can't just sit there, it's a party!" he places the cup into my hand but when he looks away I place it on the ground. I like to drink but I have no idea what he gave to me, it's brown and has leaves from outside floating on top of it. "Get up-"

"Karl!" Harmony  squeals as she steps out from behind Aaron. "Karl come dance!".

Before I know it Harmony is pulling me to my feet, holding both of my hands. I let her drag me into the crowd as Tyler, The Creator plays through the speakers. I watch her sway to the music, trying so hard to see what Sapnap sees. She's gorgeous, i've always known that. But what is it about Harmony that grabs his attention, what about her makes his heart race the way he does mine. 

"Well don't just stand there" Harmony grabs my hands and places them onto her shoulders. "Dance with me!".

A pit forms in the bottom of my stomach. I realise I don't want to be here, and Harmony must've noticed something too. Although she seems drunk she immediately noticed that I needed to leave. She grabbed my hands again, dragging me through the crowd until I see Sapnap sitting on the couch with his friends. Seeing him is like a breath of fresh air. He's shining, standing out from everyone else in the room. 

Harmony falls onto his lap, his arm snaking around her waist to hold her in place. Her head falls onto his chest while he continues talking to his friends, still not noticing i'm standing in front of him. 

"Karl!" Aaron once again appears. "You moved!".

"I did!" I say, feeling like it's the first time i've spoken all night. 

"Karl!" Sapnap looks at me. "I didn't even see you there, come sit!" He pats the open cushion next to me. I hesitate before sitting down. "So Karl, you know Harmony right?" He slurs drunkenly. 

"I do, yea" I chuckle while looking at Harmony who is also laughing.

"She's officially my girlfriend" he cheers. My smile falls but i'm quick to fix it. The pit that was in my stomach returns, but only this time it's sitting in my chest growing bigger and bigger as I continue looking at him. "I didn't even get the chance to ask her, she beat me to it" Sapnap grins and looks at Harmony with that same look I saw earlier in the car.

"I'm happy for you guys" I fake a grin, looking at them while they only focus on each other. 

I look away from them before I let my emotions get to me. My leg begins to bounce again, waking the random girl next to me up. She glares at me, grabbing my leg to hold it still before going back to sleep. Harmony gets up to go somewhere, leaving Sapnap and I alone. He doesn't say a word, his eyes follow her as she makes her way through the crowd. 

"I'll call you an Uber when you're ready to go" Sapnap places his hand on my shoulder. "I wasn't going to drink but then I was challenged to a game of beer pong".

"We're not leaving together?" I question.

"I'm going back to Harmony's tonight" I frown.

"I was meant to stay at yours tonight, I already told my dad I won't be home" Sapnap looks at me with confusion.

"Oh" he looks around confused but then he looks back at me. "I remember now. Sorry, Karl" he huffs. "I've had too much to drink" his head falls onto my shoulder, making me go still. "When Harmony gets back i'll get us an Uber to our home".

Our home.

"Us?" I ask.

"Yea. You, me and Harmony".


HEY!!!!! I have decided to start posting this again. I have enough parts written to slowly start posting them. I did plan to just do it all at once but I feel bad making you all wait. I am so sososoosososossoossoooooo sorry for making you wait so long already. I hope you all enjoy it still!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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