43: I Can See You

555 13 47

Karl Jacobs


October went by in a flash. All I remember from last month is Halloween and my petty moment. It's all i've been thinking about all weekend. I saw Harmony liked my post, but there was never any notification from Sapnap. But I know he saw it. There's no way he didn't. I wanted to message him but when I went to do that I had to scroll so far because we haven't talked in so long. Then I wanted to call him, I wanted to scream at him for ruining everything between us. 

I never did. I couldn't do that to him. He can hurt me over and over, but I will never be the one to hurt him. I will forgive him countless times, but I hope there is never a day where I need to beg for his forgiveness. 

"Karl" Henry says my name with a sing song voice. "Did you hear about the new store at the mall?"

"The game one?" he nods his head with excitement. "We need to find sometime to go".

"Want to go after school?" I nod my head, as I pack away some things in my locker. I look down the corridor as I shut my locker to see Sapnap staring at us. 

His hands are running over Harmonys body, her arms are wrapped around his neck and her face is so close to his. She's saying something to him, something that could be so lovely or important. But I can tell by the look on his face that he doesn't care about anything she is saying. His eyes are fixed on Henry and I. I can see the hatred burning in his eyes as he watches Henry smile at me while he plans this afternoon. He's looking at Henry the same way I look at Harmony. Jealousy is building up inside of him and there is nothing he can do about it, he can just stand and watch while his girlfriend believes he loves her. 

"Should we ask Percy and Lola?" Henrys voice pulls me back to reality.

"Maybe just Percy, I don't think Lola would be too interested" I say honestly. "I'll ask Noah too, he might not be able to come though".

"Good idea, Noah would love it" Henry nods his head as we begin walking down the hall.

Sapnaps eyes move as we walk, they never once leave us. When we walk past them I make sure to look at him and hold eye contact. I want him to know that I can see him, he needs to know. He doesn't look away, so we just stare into each others eyes until I turn the corner. I turn back to Henry who is now silent, but he has a small smile on his face. 

"Do we have the same class?" I ask and he just nods. "With Percy?" He nods again.

We enter the classroom to see Percy already sitting in our usual spot, and as we approach him I notice the mess of his hair. His lips are swollen, and there's a small mark on his neck. I smirk to myself knowing who done all of it, but I don't say anything. I'm sure Henry noticed it all too, but he also won't ask. I've noticed that Henry never does ask much, drama happens around him and he just allows it. He's never involved, he just observes but then in private he'll tell me all of his thoughts about it. I'm happy knowing he trusts me. 

"Karl, you're blushing" Percy states as I sit down. "Did Lola send you Charlie Swan again?" he chuckles.

"No, no" I pause. "I was just thinking about something".

His eyes are still burned into my mind. Even from a distance they're still beautiful. Sapnap could possess me just with his eyes, all I have to do is stare into them and i'll do anything he tells me to. 

"So, Percy are you free this afternoon?" Henry asks the question just as Percy opened his mouth to say something to me.

"I am" he nods. "Why?"

Henry shares our afternoon plans with Percy. He agrees to join us and Henry's face lights up. The teacher enters the room, ending our conversation. I'm suddenly overwhelmed as I look at my friends. After Sapnap and I went our own way from Percy I never thought i'd make my way back to him. I never thought I wouldn't have Sapnap. The last thing I expected was to have friends that aren't him, I never believed there would be a time in my life when he wasn't around. 


Henry is in front of us in the line. He's had a big genuine grin on his face ever since we left school, it's adorable how excited he is for this. On the way here he told us how he never used to go anywhere with friends, and he has never had friends that share the same interests as him. Percy looks at Henry like he's a kid that needs protecting, I know that because it's the same way Percy has always looked at me. 

"Karl, I think Nick is in there" Percy is frowning as he's looking through the store window. 

"It's okay" I shrug. Deep down, I know it's not okay. A part of myself just came to life again when Percy said his name. I doubt Harmony is in there with him, there's a chance I could talk to him and just him. I don't want to, but it's nice to know it's an option. 

"Lets go!" Henry cheers as we get to the front of the line. We only stand there for a second before the three of us are let into the store. 

We all venture off and do our own things, I can't help but smile every time I look over to see Henry have the time of his life in here. I have a few things in my hands that I want to buy, one of them for my mum. As I go up to the counter to pay I notice on the opposite side of the store Percy and Sapnap are standing together. I can't tell if they're speaking, I don't think I want to see them speaking. But then Percy turns his head a bit and I can see that they are talking, but Percy isn't happy. I debate going over there for a second but stop myself just as I see Percy walk away, shaking his head. Sapnap walks out of the store, he's facing the ground as he walks. I turn back quickly, before Percy notices that I was watching them.



it is friday the 13th for me hehehehehehehehehehehehe

im not going to lie this is just a filler chapter but for good reason... i wanted some more henry content hehe

nothing is happening to him i just wanted him to have some more time in sweater weather LOL 


i hope youre all doing welllll

i have some dnf fic news!! i have finally chosen where this fic will take place hehe i was veryyyy indecisive about it for a while but ive officially decided and im sooooo excited to share it all with you when i post the first chapter!! 

i have also decided that the first chapter of the dnf fic will be posted anywhere between a day or week after the last chapter of sweater weather <3 

if anyone has any questions please ask :)

ill see you all soon with more :)

ily <3

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