35: Close As Strangers

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Karl Jacobs


I've been spending a lot of time with Henry. He could never replace Sapnap, but he's filling in the gaps of the things I used to do with him. We spend every break together, we drive to and from school together, we play Mario Kart, we play Minecraft, and we both enjoy watching ridiculous movies. A lot of the time it's just the two of us, but the others sometimes join us. I've noticed that when Percy, Noah and Lola are with us we don't actually do the things we plan to do, they always change our plans. And that's what they're trying to do now. 

"Noah please, we don't want to go to a party" I huff, not looking away from the screen as Henry and I play Super Smash Bros. 

"Come on, please Karl!" Lola places a hand on my shoulder but I don't budge. "We haven't been to a party in so long".

"Why don't you guys just go without us?" Henry pipes up, also not looking away from the screen.

"Yea, why can't we do that?" I look away for a second to see where Percy is as he speaks. He's sitting on my bed, staring at the framed photo of Sapnap and I. "If they don't want to join us we shouldn't force them".

Henry pauses the game when he notices i'm no longer paying attention. I watch Percy place the frame back on my bedside table, but I notice the way his eyes linger on it before they move onto Lola. She stands with her arms crossed staring down at Henry and I, waiting for us to say something but we both say nothing. 

"Lola lets go" Noah rolls his eyes, looking defeated. 

"No!" I realise that this will be the first time they witness the stubborn side of Lola. "Karl, Henry, I love you both so much. But you're so so boring" she huffs and I just look at Henry who is smirking to himself. "Why can't you both just come to a party? Have fun with us! Please".

"What makes you think we're not having fun here?" Henry is still smirking, and I can see flames light themselves behind Lolas eyes. 

"Oh fine!" she groans. "Whatever, lets just go then".

Lola leaves the room in a dramatic way, and the boys just wave us goodbye before following her. Henry pushes play on the game and we continue playing together in silence. That's the difference with Henry, he's quiet. It took me a while to be comfortable in his silence, I was always so used to Sapnap. He would always yell when he was losing, or he'd talk to himself when he messed up somehow. Playing in silence is something I only experienced when I was alone. I'm happy to be friends with Henry, i'm glad we get along and can hang out this way but I always find myself missing the messiness of hanging out with Sapnap. I just always find myself missing Sapnap, in every way.

"Can I stay over tonight?" Henry asks in between games.

"Yea, sure" I shrug before rising to my feet. "I'm going to order pizza".

I leave my room and make my way downstairs to find the number for the local pizza place. I stare at the fridge, waiting for the pizza place brochure to jump out at me. But i'm instead met with a photo I didn't even know existed. It's stuck under a small love heart magnet at the bottom, behind random papers my mum has kept. Sapnap and I are sitting outside at his old house, our feet are in the pool and it looks like we're playing some hand clapping game. We're just kids, he was wearing his Super Mario swim shorts and I had on my favourite bright orange swim shorts with the weird matching purple swim shirt. He's laughing at me, i'm grinning. Both of us have bright red cheeks, like we were both just too happy to be alive. It was before everything. Before we lost each other, before we stopped trusting each other. 

I have no memory of that exact moment by the pool, but I remember afterwards. I remember sitting in his room playing around with his toy trucks while our parents were drinking downstairs, I had a bowl of oranges and he had a bowl of apples. At some point we decided to crush our fruits with his trucks because we wanted to make our own juice. His dad yelled at us for it but we both just giggled in the way kids giggle when they don't understand what's happening. We were always just so happy when we were doing things together. I don't know when that changed.

"Karl?" Mum stands in the entryway of the kitchen, a soft smile on her face. "What are you doing?" 

"I was just looking for the pizza number" I place the photo of us back on the fridge, but I know she saw it. 

"Oh, here" she grabs the paper from one of the draws on the side of the kitchen island. "Is Henry staying over?"

"Yea, we're just going to play games and stuff" I shrug as I look over the menu.

"Okay, i'll be in my room if you need me" she kisses my cheek. "Ask if they have any meatballs, if they do get me some please".

"Sure thing, mum" I smile at her before she leaves the room.

I type their number into my phone and call them. I order the food we want, including mums meatballs. When the call ends I look down at my phone that is open on my contacts. Sapnap is once again staring back at me. His little contact photo is one of him when we were at Arctic Monkeys, it's my favourite photo of him. I would never tell him that I have favourite photos of him. My thumb hovers over his contact, debating if I should just try calling him or not. 

I shut my phone off and put the pizza number away. I don't look back at the photo of us. In a perfect reality, I would be strong enough for all of this. I would call him, I never would've allowed him to cut me off so easily. But this is our reality, and I need to accept that we're slowly becoming strangers to each other. 


hello besties <3

this is a filler chapter but it's a filler for VERY good reasons!!!!!!!!!!!

things are about to become very......... fun ;)) 

i also just really wanted to use this song in the least serious way possible lololol and i wanted to add a little bit more of henry hehe i also just wanted you all to have a nice sweeter type moment before the fun happens ;) 


how is everyone? are you all enjoying life? 

im looking for some more fic to read!!! literally anything tbh karlnap, dnf, one direction, harry potter, like literally anything! just tell me your all time favs (unless its 5sos, im pretty sure ive read every single calum hood fanfic ever at this point) 

i love you all very much


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