14: Wanna Be Yours

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Karl Jacobs


Soft snores come from Harmony as Sapnap and I sit in the front of the car, a song i've never heard before playing quietly through the speakers. I watch the sign going past us to see that we only have twenty minutes until we're in the city. My leg bounces with excitement, Sapnap can't keep a grin off his face and Harmony is bored enough to fall asleep.

"Can you believe in two hours we're going to be seeing Arctic Monkeys?" He looks at me while we're stopped at a red light. 

"I'm still shocked you somehow found tickets so last minute" I turn to him. "And then found a cheap hotel room, everything was on your side".

"Right?" He laughs. "We're going to the hotel first to get ready, Harmony is going to go with her friends to a party, then we're going to get an Uber to the show. That alright?"

"Yea, but what about food?" I question.

"We'll find something there".

We keep driving, the closer we get the more excited we become. I put on an Arctic Monkeys playlist and we both sing along a bit too loud, waking Harmony up. I look back for a second to see how she is, but she's just staring down at her phone with a sour look on her face. 

We shortly arrive at the hotel. Harmony and I grab the bags from the back and make our way inside to check in while Sapnap parks the car somewhere. As the staff hands us the room keys, Sapnap walks in. The three of us squish into a small elevator that is crowded with the many bags Harmony has. We're only here for one night, but for some reason she had to bring dresses for her friends too. We make our way to the room and walk in to see three single beds. Harmony sighs and begins saying something flirtatious to Sapnap, but i'm quick to walk away from them. 

I place my things on the bed next to the window, ignoring the couple as Harmony begins to raise her voice. Sapnap places his things on the bed next to mine not saying a word as Harmony keeps ranting about how stressed she is. I keep minding my own business, I pull out the clothes I plan to wear tonight before placing my bag on the ground. I look to Sapnap to see  he's just sitting on his bed, staring at his girlfriend while she talks. 

"-I would much rather go to the concert tonight!" I begin to tune into what she's saying. "But I can't! Chelsea doesn't even like Francine or Lana so I don't understand why she's even going tonight and complaining to me about it!"

"Babe" my stomach twists. 

"I'm not don-"

"Baby, please" Sapnap grabs her hand, all I want to do is look away but I can't. I can just imagine it's my hand he's holding, not hers. "Everything is going to be okay, Harms. Chelsea will probably back out last minute like she always does, and if she does go to the party just avoid her. Just stay around Francine or Lana, you said Chelsea doesn't like them so why would she go near them?"

"You're right" Harmony mumbles, looking down at her hand that's being held by his. I notice his thumb gliding along her knuckles, something I always imagined him doing to me. "I'm sorry".

"It's alright, come here" he pulled her into his chest. I looked away instantly. I grabbed whatever I needed and made my way to the bathroom to have a shower.

As I shut the bathroom door I realised the mistake i've made. Who would ever go away with their best friend and their girlfriend? Their best friend who is also their biggest crush? Absolutely no one would. I didn't think any of this through and there's nothing I can do about it now. It's a whole weekend of watching them be a perfect couple. Watching Harmony be everything I crave to be. I thought I crushed all of the jealousy but as i'm standing here now I can feel jealousy spread throughout my body as I think about him holding her in his arms to comfort her. 


Sapnap and I stand in the crowd, both of us wearing our new Arctic Monkeys shirts we just got from the merch store. We're far back in the pit so we have space to move around, Sapnap didn't want to feel suffocated in the crowd so we settled for back here. We can't really see the stage but we can still hear the music so we're not complaining. I look around at all the different people here, smiling about everyone gathered here today to see the same band, because we all love the same band. There's many couples surrounding us, all of them either holding hands or wrapping their arms around each other. I look to Sapnap, he's just trying to get a view of the stage to see what people are screaming about.

Seconds later the lights turn off and everyone begins screaming. Sapnap starts jumping up and down with excitement, I just watch him. There is nothing better than seeing Sapnap happy, i'd give all my money just to see him this happy all the time. The band walks out and begins playing the first song, 'Snap Out Of It'. I sing along while Sapnap shouts the lyrics. We laugh at each other as we dance around and sing. It's like we're sitting in his car in the middle of nowhere still, just us and the music. No one else matters. 

We continue dancing and singing throughout the whole show, I stop sometimes to admire Sapnap. He doesn't notice, I don't think he has ever noticed how I look at him and i'm hoping he never will notice. My crush has to remain a secret, I can't risk losing him.

"Karl!" Sapnap grabs onto my arm, I look at him and he's already looking at me. He squeezes my wrist lightly and butterflies are released in my stomach. "It's our song, Karl!".

I listen closely and hear the beginning of 'Wanna Be Yours'.

Our song.

 Sapnap has never said this song is 'ours'. I never thought i'd hear him say it either. Maybe he's just excited and is just saying whatever comes to mind, but I want to be delusional and believe he really meant it. I want to believe that this song is possibly how he feels about me. We sing along together, his hand still holding onto my wrist as we sway. It is the perfect moment. 

"Baby!" her voice comes out screechy as she runs up Sapnap and grabs him. "I'm so happy I found you".

Harmony holds onto Sapnap making him drop my wrist, leaving it to go cold. Just as the song ends she begins to squeal something and all I can do is stand here wishing I could go back five seconds to when everything was perfect. 

"Karl!" another voice  comes out of nowhere. I turn to see Lola running up to me, her arms open ready for a hug. She falls into me and I instantly smell alcohol. "We found you guys!".


I then notice that Harmony and Lola are here together, but they're both too drunk to tell us how they got here. Or why they're here. 



im a bit bored and just feel like giving u this hehe

pls enjoy

as always give me updates on literally anything i love it 

AND SONGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pls leave more songs 

ily all sososososo much


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