39: Too Well

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Karl Jacobs


"Karl!" Percy gasps as I enter the room with Noah walking behind me. "I didn't know you were coming by".

"I was around" I shrug before falling onto a bean bag. Henry smiles at me but doesn't speak. 

"We were just about to leave" Noah laughs, "we're going to the movies. Want to join?"

"Sure" I nod, smiling. I remember now why my friendship with these boys was always so smooth, they never linger on the past. They never talk through things that happened, they don't mention the problems. They move past it like it never happened. 

"Lola is going to be there" Henry's eyes don't leave the screen as he talks. His mind amazes me, he can have a whole conversation while focusing hard on some game and he never misses a word. 

"You good with Lola?" Percy asks.


It isn't a lie. But it isn't the truth. I don't know where I stand with Lola, I know i'm okay with her but I don't know how she's feeling. I still don't know the whole truth of the fight, and i'm kind of shocked that her and Percy are talking still. From what I heard they weren't talking anymore, but I guess that's my own fault for believing the rumours. 

We all pile into Noahs car while he tells me about his recent break up. They were only together for two months but he found out that she was cheating on him the whole time. To me he doesn't seem bothered, but I know he's probably hurting inside. He's always been good at masking his emotions. It bothers me sometimes, we used to argue and he would be so calm while I cried out of frustration. 

Percy doesn't talk much, when he does he's just giving us updates about where Lola is. I think back to waking up in his bed, seeing him holding her hand. There's something hidden between them, it's obvious, but I just don't know if it's something real. I'm not going to ask yet, I need to see if i'm still friends with Lola before any drama can start again. 

When we arrive we find Lola sitting outside the cinemas. She's wearing one of my shirts with her tights. She smiles when she sees us, but she grins when her eyes land on me. She wraps her arms around me tightly without saying anything, and now I just know that we're okay. We are still there for each other, we are friends. Just friends, real friends. 

"I've missed you" I speak first. 

"I've missed you too" she says softly before pulling away from me. "I'm happy to see you again".

I smile at her and she returns it. Lola moves over to talk to Noah as we all enter the cinema. I don't even know what movie we're seeing, it's just nice to be out with friends and not holed up in my room thinking about Sapnap. I sit next to Henry, and on the other side of me is Noah, then it's Percy and Lola. Henry and I watch the movie while the other three talk amongst each other, sharing their opinions on each moment of the movie. 


 "No! The original Dune will always be better" Noah's voice raises the more they talk about Dune.

"You're just saying that because you don't like when things are remade" Percy rolls his eyes. "The new one is way better".

"You're wrong, Percy" Noah huffs as we walk through the mall. "You only like the latest one because of Zendaya".

"That's a very valid reason" Lola chimes in.

"You like it because of Timothee" Percy reminds her. "But, Noah. You need to accept that sci-fi movie remakes are just better now, there's new technology. Literally no one else will say the original Dune is better".

"I will find someone that does like it better just to prove you wrong" Noah turns the corner and suddenly stops walking.

I look over to where he's staring to see Aaron sitting by himself at a table in the food court. I turn to Lola, her smile has dropped and Percy has gone red. I look between them again, trying to read their minds. Trying to figure out why they're both upset with his presence. Before Percy met Lola i'm not too sure if he even knew who Aaron was. I just don't understand why he dislikes him so much now.

"Come on, we'll go this way" Henry points in the other direction.

"No, we're just walking past him. It's fine" Lola says confidently. She looks at Percy and gently pats his arm. "It'll be fine" she reassures him.

We begin walking past him, none of us say anything. Noah is speeding up the closer we get to them, and I can see Lola trying to do the same thing but Percy is instead slowing down. Henry and I continue walking at our own pace, not letting his presence get in the way of us getting our pizza. But when I turn back I see Percy has now completely stopped, and I notice Aaron waving Lola over. 

Just as I go to step in, she makes his way towards him. Percy's red cheeks turn an even deeper red. Lola stands by Aarons table, and I can see that he isn't happy. I want to go over there, I want to pull her away from him. But I feel like I can't move. I still have a bruised face, the last thing I want is for him to give me a new bruise. 

"I can't believe she's talking to him" Percy spits. "After everything-" Noah hits his shoulder and I notice the small nod he does towards me as he's signalling for Percy to stop.

"What?" I frown. 

"Nothing" the boys speak at the same time. 

As I open my mouth to ask again i'm stopped by Lola returning. We all stand around and wait for her to say something, but she doesn't. Lola begins walking away and we all follow her until we're at the car. The drive back to Percys is silent and it gives me time to think about everything. When we all walk inside Lola finally speaks up.

"He asked me to be his official girlfriend" there's no emotion in her voice. "He said he missed me".

"Oh" I say softly, "what did you say?"

"I didn't say anything. I walked away" her eyes are locked on Percy as she speaks. He is just staring at me and I realise there is something bigger going on. Something they don't want me knowing. 

"Why?" I push further, hoping if I act oblivious to their actions they'll eventually give in and tell me the truth. 

"I-I" she stutters, "I just can't, Karl".

I silently nod my head as I look around at everyone. Percy, Noah and Lola all share looks with each other while Henry looks just as confused as I am. I don't ask anymore questions, i'm sure they'll tell me about it whenever they're ready to. 



im sooo excited for you all to read the next chapter........ you know... when i post it.. sometime... soon? 


how is everyone?? anyone have some exciting news? 

i have like no updates literally nothing has been happening lololololol

i love you alllll 

if you dont already, then you should listen to renee rapp <3

have a safe and amazing day/night !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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