16: Bad Habit

693 18 12

Karl Jacobs


I walk out of Mariannes office thinking about only one person.


I don't know how but Marianne got me to talk about Lola in extreme detail. She knows about the weird beginning of our friendship, she knows of Lolas history with Sapnap, and now she knows that I do in fact like Lola. She's become a good friend of mine and I never wanted to admit that, ever. Sapnap has always been the most important person in my life, letting someone new into my life has been something I was never interested in. I never looked for a friendship with Lola, if anything she started it for us without me even knowing. I feel like I owe her more, like i've been a bad friend to her and I didn't realise until now. 

My phone buzzes in my pocket, I pull it out to see a message from Sapnap saying he's in the car park downstairs. I make my way down quickly, a bit too excited to see him. I spot his car instantly when the elevator doors open. He's sitting in the car, bopping his head to whatever song he's listening to. I look at backseat to see if there is anyone else with him. There isn't.

"Hey" I say as I open the door. He smiles and turns the music down. "Thanks for coming to get me".

"All good" I shut the door and we start driving out. "How did it go?"

"It was alright" I shrug. "I think it's helping, not sure though" I pause. "So, what are we doing?"

"We are going to pick Harmony up then we are all going to her house for the party tonight" he smirks. "You are staying at the party".

I don't say anything. Usually I wouldn't want to go but I do want to go tonight. Before my appointment today I was at home and like usual my parents were arguing, it was worse than it normally is. The last thing I want to do right now is go home, and all I want to do is be with Sapnap. So a party with him there isn't a bad thing right now, it's actually kind of perfect.

"Who's going?" I ask.

"The usual people" he shrugs. "Harmony, Aaron, Oscar, Lola, all of their friends that we haven't really met" he chuckles. "That okay?"

"Yea it's fine" I smile. "I'll hang out with Lola". 

"About Lola" he clears his throat. "I'm sorry that I never told you about it all earlier, and i'm sorry if it seemed like I was trying to ruin something for you".

"You didn't do that, you don't need to apologise".

"I like Lola, i'm happy you guys are friends. Honestly!" I look over at him, waiting for him to continue. "I think she's grown up a lot more, like I even enjoy her company now".

We both fall silent as one of our favourite songs start playing, I almost forget that we're in the middle of a conversation. I stare out the window as we drive through town, the houses becoming familiar as we approach Harmonys house. Sapnap pauses the song as we stop out the front of her house and I spot Harmony sitting on the front porch, a backpack in her lap. She runs to the car with a grin, Sapnap taps my shoulder and I take that as my sign to get into the backseat. 


His hands are on her waist as she sways to the music looking like a goddess. Not a single hair is out of place, her sweat just makes her glow even more, her lips are perfectly plump with no cracks or dryness on them just a thin layer of shiny gloss that I haven't seen her reapply in hours, her mascara hasn't ran, not even after being outside in the pouring rain. He just looks at her with those eyes, the eyes I dream of. How could I keep hating her? Her hands are wrapped around his neck, and her eyes are shut not even paying attention to the beauty in front of her. They are the perfect couple. 

"Karl!" I blink a few times at the sudden fingers snapping in front of my face. "My gosh, how much have you had?" Lola points to the empty cup in my hand.

"Like one" I lie. "Maybe nine".

"Oh my" she laughs before falling down onto the couch next to me and passes me another drink. "Why are you over here?"

"Just am" I shrug as I sip on the new drink. I stop myself from pulling a face at how sour it is, and I don't bother asking what drink it is. "How's Aaron?"

"Ugh" she rolls her eyes. "He actually sucks so much" she pauses. I don't say anything, I know she'll continue talking. "You know, he's the one that invited me here but he won't even talk to me. He keeps talking about Harmony, she's not even single! It makes no sense at all".

"Harmony?" I look at her.

"Yea, apparently he had a thing for her a while ago before her and Nick started dating. He keeps going on about how unbelievable it is for them to be together" she huffs. "He was literally making out with me, Karl! His lips were on mine and he kept talking about her, kept saying how much he loves her hair and stuff!".

"That's so shit" I say honestly as I take my last sip. "Wanna keep drinking?" 

Without any other words Lola and I get up from the couch. We make our way to the drinks table and fill our cups up with whatever we like, giggling with each other as we spill liquids everywhere. Things become blurry, words are now being slurred out instead of properly said, and I can't find Sapnap anywhere. All of my attention is on Lola as she cries about something, probably Aaron. Her hair is stuck to her face as she talks but her hips are still moving to the beat of the song. I quickly realise my hands are on her hips, i'm the one swaying her and we're both okay with it. 

But then i'm suddenly on the couch again. The room is almost empty, the music is playing softly, people are passed out on the ground and Lola is wrapped in my arms, sleeping peacefully. 


hey yallll

usually im in the best mood ever while posting but rn im so so drained HAHAHAHAHA

16 hours of queues for taylor swift tickets and i got none </3333 so pls anyone who has been to the eras tour tell me all about it cause i really need to hear it right now 


i hope you all enjoyed this chapter and i hope all that are taylor fans are blessed with eras tickets !!!!!!!!!

i love u all 

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