49: This Love

576 18 59

Karl Jacobs


Sapnap gently wipes away the dried up blood on my arm while I stare at him. His eyes are fixed on the cut as he fixes it up. I don't remember how I hurt myself, I assume it happened when Percy pushed me down, I might've cut myself on a rock. When Lola came in to check on me she let me know that Percy also cut his hand open. Neither us threw punches but we both somehow left being injured. 

"This might sting" Sapnap says before wiping at the cut again. I wince as he cleans it up with the bathroom hand soap. I usually like the mint scented soap, but not when it's going directly onto an open wound. "Sorry".

"It's okay" I croak. "How did you know to come outside?" We've been in this bathroom for fifteen minutes but neither of us have spoken until now. At first we were waiting for the nurse to come, but Lola came in to let us know that the nurse can't come by because another student had passed out in her office. I thought we would wait for Mr. Mavric to come by but Sapnap instead instructed me to sit on the bench so he could clean it up himself. 

"I-I left the music room thinking you weren't coming" he pauses, "I heard Lola scream so I ran  out to see what was going on. I guess Mr. Mavric and Henry heard it too".

"I was at the music room" I admit as he begins placing a band-aid over the cut. "I was at the door but Percy took me away".

"Did he finally tell you the truth?" Sapnap rests his hands either side of me on the bench. He doesn't look at me, he just stares at the cut like he's waiting for something to happen. 

"Yea. He did" I look down at the cut myself. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you".

"Don't apologise" he winces, "please never apologise to me, about anything. I owe you a thousand different apologies right now- I don't even know where to start with them".

"One is enough" I bring my hand up to rest at the nape of his neck, I twirl a piece of his hair around with my finger. I watch his eyes flicker to my sweater before his hand creeps up to it. He runs his finger over the small tear Percy made as he had me pinned down on the ground. 

"I didn't think you remembered" he finally looks up at me, our eyes instantly locking. "I-I thought I was insane for remembering today".

"How could I forget?" I whisper, my hand moving to rest on his shoulder. It's silent for a moment. I feel my heart begin to race as I notice his eyes flicker down to my lips. His cheeks flush pink as I grab his hand and place it to my chest so he can feel what he does to me. 

"Karl" he says breathlessly. "I-"

"Nick" I cut him off as he begins to speak. "You do this to me. No one else has ever made me feel the way you do, it's only you. I need you to know that it will always just be you" I swallow the lump in my throat, I don't want to cry. 

Before I know it his lips are pressing onto mine. It takes a moment for me to process what's happening, the second my body realises he's kissing me my lips instantly start moving in sync with his. It's heavier than the last kiss we shared. It's full of greed and passion. Like we're trying to make up for all of our lost time together. My hands are resting on his shoulders, while his are on my cheeks. He moves one hand down to my waist and pulls me closer to him. I let him do anything. He pulls away for a moment to let us catch our breaths, he rests his forehead on mine. He places another small kiss on my lips before pulling away again.

"I'm so sorry, Karl" he says it like he's in pain. His hand moves up to the back of my neck, mine stay on his shoulders. "I regret everything, all the time".

"It's okay, Nick" my eyes are still shut. I'm scared to open them just to see that he isn't in front of me, i'm scared this is all just in my imagination. 

"No, no it's not okay. It's never going to be okay, and I don't expect you to forgive me"" he pauses. "But i'm so in love with you Karl, I need you to know that my love for you is real and it's never going to go away".

I pull my forehead away from his before I open my eyes. He is standing there in front of me, his eyes are also closed but I can see the few stray tears that have escaped rolling down his cheeks. I begin to wipe them away with my thumb, he holds onto my wrist before opening his eyes. We look at each other for a moment and I can't help but smile  down at him.

"I'm in love with you, Nick" I smile, the same butterflies from all that time ago suddenly wake up and flutter in my stomach. 

"You are?" his voice cracks.

"Of course I am" I laugh. "Look at me! I'm sitting here wearing your sweater because I remember that you gave it to me a year ago. I've been listening to Sweater Weather all day, just because it reminds me of you. God, Nick. I've lost myself just because I love you so much".

We're both grinning at each other, and I have tears falling from my eyes. I pull him in again, pressing my lips to his. I can feel him smiling against my lips and I know that this will be a moment I remember for the rest of my life.

"We should probably go back out and let everyone know i'm okay" I say against his lips. As I begin to pull away, he just pulls me back in.

"They can wait" he hums. "I don't want to leave you yet".

We continue kissing, his hands roam along my chest while mine are tangled in his hair. I could stay here forever. Just us and no one else. 

"I love you, Karl" he says it softly, his lips leaving mine briefly. "I love you so much".

"I think I love you more" I feel him smile.

"Impossible" he says it the exact same way I dreamed of him saying it. Like all of my dreams have finally become reality. 




how is everyone going???? is the therapy still needed? 
give me all the updates



my fav vault song is def 'slut!' like i am obsesseddddd with that song pls tell me yours 

i have been WAITING to use this song in this fic for so long and its so so satisfying to finally do it <33333

i love you all very very much

have safe days/nights!!

i will be back soon with more :)

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