34: the way things go

619 13 96

Karl Jacobs


Lola and I sit in my car patiently waiting for Henry to come out of his house. We're sitting in our usual silence, Lolas pop music plays softly and she occasionally sings along. My leg bounces as I grow impatient, wondering what could be taking him so long to be ready. Seconds later the door opens and Henry walks down the pathway from his house before getting into the car. 

"Thanks for letting me join" his voice is soft. "Would it be okay if I hang out with you both during break?"

"Of course you can" Lola turns to him and gives him a smile. I begin to drive to school as I listen to Lola tell Henry all about our school. The drama, the education, the hidden spots to smoke. Lola knows all of it, and she shares every detail with him.

"Now the really important part to know" Lola reaches over and grabs my hand just after I park the car. I stay looking forward, watching students make their way through the school gates. I feel her thumb run across my knuckles, something i've notice she does when she senses I need some type of comfort. I look at her just as she starts talking, "the three people you should always avoid are Harmony, Aaron, and Nick".

"Can I ask why?" Henry questions from the back seat. 

"Not right now, everything is still very fresh. But trust us, you don't want to be around them right now. You'll have us and Percy to sit with, you can meet new people but please just don't talk to those three" I stay quiet as Lola speaks. 

All I want to do is open up and say that Sapnap isn't a bad guy at all. I want to defend him, but how could I do that. How could I lie to Alex? If I was to sit here and act like i'm still Sapnaps best friends then Henry would question everything. And i'm not ready to open up to another person about everything that has happened. So I stay quiet and let Lola take control of everything. 

We all get out of the car as the bell rings. I watch Henry pull a beanie on, covering all of his hair. We all walk in together but I leave as we enter the building. Lola shows him around while I make my way to the library for my study period. I walk to my usual desk but stop as I see Sapnap and Harmony already sitting there. She's sitting on his lap, his arm is around her waist and they're smiling at each other in that couple way as they talk. It makes me sick.  

I hear someone whisper-shout my name and I look past Sapnap to see Percy sitting at a table not too far from them, waving for me to join them. I make my way over to him, ignoring the daggers Harmony shoots to me as I pass them. I drop my stuff onto the table and make sure to sit with my back facing the couple.

"Lola with Henry?" Percy asks, not looking up from his laptop.

"Yea, she's showing him around" I say as I unpack the things I need from my bag. "He's cool".

"Noah said he's pretty quiet, so I thought you and him would get along fine" Percy finally looks up at me and lets out a laugh.

"I guess so" I mumble as I begin to focus on my work.

We both study in silence, but the room itself isn't silent. Every so often Harmony lets out some kind of giggle or cackle, and it's always followed by Sapnap shushing her. Anyone else would think she's doing it on accident, but now that I know that mean side of her I know she's doing it to try get a reaction from either me or Percy. Neither of us give in.

After a week of being friends with Percy again Lola and I told him everything he needed to know about what happened between all of us. He stated that he never liked Harmony, but he was shocked to hear about what Sapnap had done. Noah had the same reaction when we told him. It proves to me that almost everyone in my life that knew Sapnap thought higher of him, even my mum is still upset with his recent absence. But there is nothing I can say to any of them, I never expected it myself. 

The bell rings and we begin packing our stuff away. But I suddenly freeze as I hear it.

"Come on Sapnap, we need to go to the office to leave" Harmonys voice echoes in my mind. And with every echo comes another bit of pain spreading through my chest. I don't turn to her, I told myself I wouldn't give into her. But I can't help myself. 

I turn to look at them. She's holding his hand, dragging him out of them room. He turns back to look at me and I swear for just a second I saw him again. 


"How long have you guys been together?" Henry asks as he nods to Lola and I. Her head is resting on my shoulder, and her hand is once again holding mine. I've become comfortable with her being like this. Even if we weren't a fake couple, i'd still be okay with her laying on me. 

"We never really gave ourselves a date" Lola chuckles. "We were really good friends and at some point we both knew it was more, there was never a specific date or month it happened".

"Lets just say they've been together for a while" Percy laughs. "When it first happened no one would shut up about it".

"Why?" Henry frowns.

"Because I had an extremely toxic ex" Lola rolls her eyes as she sits up. "No one in this school ever thinks a girl can move on from a guy".

"That's dumb" Henry states before sipping on his water. 

I look past Percy to see Sapnap sitting on his own. He doesn't look the same, if I walked past him on the street I don't think i'd recognise him. Nothing about him is familiar. He's different and not in the good way. I can't reach out to help him, all I can do is sit back and watch him turn into someone I don't know. He'll soon become someone that was never apart of my life.


hello my lovely besties <3

i have some news to tell you...... 

but first i must ask the usual question, HOW IS EVERYONE???? anyone watching some new shows or anything? gimme all the updates hehe (if anyone has watched Bottoms please tell me if you liked it im feeling so left out i cant watch it here waonfvowenbf)

but to the news!!

i have made a rough draft of my future dnf fic!!!!!!!!! i can tell you a few little things about it so please if you have any questions, ask them !! (I WILL NOT BE SHARING SPOILERS)

i have a fun few chapters of sweater weather coming up!! im always trying to update as often as possible, im sorry if its taking a bit too long <3


stay safe, have a great day/night

i'll be back with more soOOooooOoOoOOOoOOOooOOoOooOoon 

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