56: You Are In Love

602 16 98

Karl Jacobs


"Karl!" I hear him shout my name as I slam the door shut. I stare at the bridge in front of me, the few people around look back at me with wide eyes. A couple walks into the house opposite me, avoiding whatever is about to happen. I wish I could join them.

"Karl, I promise you that wasn't what it looked like" Sapnap grabs my shoulder, spinning me to face him. I almost slip but he holds me up, placing a hand on my waist and the other stays on my shoulder. "Please hear me out".

"Nick, you're here with your girlfriend" I gently push his hands away so they're off me and I go to take a step back, but he just reaches back out to hold me. I look down to notice the snow on the bridge, then I look up to see that snow is falling down on us now. I was so angry I didn't even notice it was snowing, when did it even start?

"She's not my girlfriend anymore!" his sentence grabs the attention from the people surrounding us, they stare at us and I can't help but notice their judging looks. "I promise you Karl, I was in there talking to her just to be nice".

"Why haven't you replied to me, then?" My voice cracks. I didn't want to show him that i've been upset, I didn't want him to know how much i've missed him. I want to be angry at him. I need him to know that I won't always forgive him easily just because I love him. 

"Karl" he sighs, "I-I just wasn't ready. I had some things I needed to do before we became a real couple. You know, Harmony and I made a lot of promises to each other, we had a lot of plans. I've had to fix things up, I needed to end it entirely with her before I started anything with you".

"Then why is she here?" His hands are still holding onto my waist, holding me up so I don't accidentally slip. His cheeks have gone red as he's grown cold from standing out here, the tip of his nose looks like a cherry and his eyelashes are holding onto small snowflakes that haven't melted yet. I'm upset with him, but I can't help noticing how beautiful he looks in this moment. 

"She's here because Aaron invited her behind my back" he sniffs. "It's cold, Karl. We should go inside".

"No" I frown. "Nick, please just be honest with me" I grab his hand. He looks down at our hands before looking back up to me. 

"How much more honest do you want me to be?" his voice is soft, like if he speaks any louder or harsher he'd break me. 

"The full truth, please" I pause. "Do you still have feelings for her?"

"Karl, it's so hard. She has this pull on me, you know this-"

"No excuses or lies, please. Just tell me the truth, do you still love Harmony?"

"No, I don't love Harmony" he pauses. "I have never felt real love for anyone other than you, please believe me".

"Then what pull is it that she has on you?" I swallow the lump in my throat.

"Just things, Karl. It's all just history, that's all I have left with her and that's all it will ever be from now on. Just history" I can tell he's being honest, he hasn't avoided eye contact with me and he isn't wiping his hands on his jeans. He's telling me the truth.

"You promise?"

I stare at him, waiting for him to say something but nothing comes. I wait for what feels like eternity, all I want is for him to tell me he loves me. With every second that goes by a lump grows in my throat again, I feel my skin go tight, my eyes fill with tears, and I begin to pull my hand away from his but i'm quickly pulled back. 

His arm wraps around my back as he pulls me into him, our chests pressed together. We lock eyes for a moment before his lips are on mine, roughly kissing me like he just can't get enough of me. I kiss back instantly, smiling at the feeling of him being on me again. My hand gets lost in his hair while his are still holding me up. I think if he let go of me now i'd just melt onto the floor. 

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