52: Last Christmas

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Karl Jacobs


School has ended for the year and I haven't seen Sapnap since he broke up with Harmony. He came by that night, I comforted him the best I could. It was hard to act like I was upset for him, I couldn't help but be over the moon. He's finally out of that toxic relationship, I have the chance to officially make him mine. When I walked him out that night he let me know that he needs some time before continuing whatever we have going on. That was almost two weeks ago.

I know there is more than just Harmony we need to talk about. There are things I haven't forgiven him for, things we need to work through together before we can go back to how we used to be, and before we can become something more than just best friends. I've respected his wishes, I haven't messaged him first, I just reply whenever he messages me which isn't much. I've stayed away from him at school, it was killing me watching him sit with Aaron every day.

Harmony came back to school for a total of two days after their break up, I saw her once and she didn't look well. A part of me did feel bad for her knowing I was part of the reason he broke up with her. Her hair was up in a bun, her skin wasn't glowing, her nails weren't done like they usually are, and she was wearing a basic sweater and sweatpants outfit. Her appearance gave away everything I needed to know about her. She really does love Sapnap, and she does hate me. 

I was also very satisfied when I saw her. After all this time Harmony finally understands how i've been feeling. She's experienced losing Sapnap to someone else, it's her turn to go on without him around. Seeing her walk around looking terrible only made me smile, that may be evil but how could I not? Every bad thing she done or said about me is coming back around to ruin her.

It's Christmas Day and I stare down at my phone, Lolas contact open while the line blinks at me waiting for me to start typing. I haven't talked to her since the principals office. I've been wanting to talk to her and Percy, I want to fix things. And I know fixing things with Percy is an easier way to fix things with Lola. I've been feeling so lonely, I haven't had Sapnap or Lola. I just have myself. 

"Karl?" Mum shouts my name as I begin to type a message. I delete the few words I typed out before making my way downstairs.

"What's up?" I ask as I enter the room to see my mum staring down at a package, her eyebrows furrowed.

"This is for you. It was on our doorstep" she holds out the package. I take it from her hands and look at it, trying to find a hint of what it could be. Or who it's from.

I open the box up to be met with a painting of my favourite scene from a movie Lola and I once watched together. It's in a frame, and it has her signature in the bottom left corner. I smile at it, tears welling up in my eyes as I stare at how gorgeous it is. There's a note at the bottom with my name written on it, I pick it up and unfold it.


MERRY CHRISTMAS! I know we haven't been talking but I wanted you to get this. When we first watched Spirited Away together you never shut up about that damn train. I knew then that I would be painting this. I've been working on it since then. I hope you like it. I really hope my painting skills have improved. I don't expect you to forgive me for everything, but I want you to know that i'm ready to talk about everything. Take your time. I hope you have a magical Christmas.

 Love, Lola. 

I wipe my eyes as I fold the note back up. Mums frown has become deeper as she moves over the pull me in for a hug. She doesn't ask any questions about the painting or the note, she just comforts me and that's all I need right now. I feel terrible, Lola went through the hassle of having this sent to me but I didn't even bother going out to buy her something for Christmas. I've been missing her non-stop, but I don't put in any effort. 

Mum lets go of me when she hears the doorbell ring. We both assume it's Mr. Mavric so she leaves to answer the door. I pull my phone back out and send Lola a quick, simple 'Merry Christmas' message before I join mum and Mr. Mavric in the lounge room. They're both already sitting at the tree, presents sitting in their laps. 

"This is for you Karl" Mr. Mavric holds out a neatly wrapped box as I sit down next to my mum.

"Thank you" I smile as I read the tag. It says it's just from him, that's something my dad never done, he never went out to get me a present just for him.

I watch them both open up each others presents before I open up my own. From my mum I got a couple vinyls to add to my collection, a plush toy, and a gift card. I begin opening the present from Mr. Mavric, I wonder what it could possibly be. When everything is ripped open i'm staring down at an almost empty box, there's just a sheet of paper right at the bottom with the words 'OPEN ME' written across them. I give mum a confused look before I unfold the paper.

"No way" I mutter. "This can't be real!" I stare at the ticket, not believing what i'm staring down at. "Is this real?"

"Yep" Mr. Mavric chuckles. "It's in New York. It happened to fall on the date I have a work thing on, so I thought we'd all go as a group to New York and you can go see The Neighbourhood".

"How did you know I like them?" I stare at him, waiting for an answer.

"I know some people" he shrugs, a smirk plastered to his face. 

I hug him and give him many thank yous before we all move into the dining room for Christmas lunch. The rest of the day goes on perfectly, no one is upset or complaining. We're all happy, we all enjoy each others company, and I received a reply from Lola. We even set up a time tomorrow to see each other. 

I'm laying down in my bed now, thinking about how different everything is compared to last year. I wish Sapnap was here with me, I want to give him all the space he needs, but I miss him. We've once again broken a tradition that we've had for years. His present is still sitting under the tree downstairs, waiting until I get the chance to give it to him. I eventually fall asleep, satisfied knowing that I only missed Sapnap today, and no one else. Not once did my dad cross my mind, this year felt like the first real Christmas i've ever had, and I thank my dad for that. He wasn't here to ruin my mums or my own day. 


HEY !!

im so sorry for posting a christmas chapter in NOVEMBER but its just the way it goes.. i really wanted it to be posted around christmas but i started updating more regularly HAHAH 

who knows maybe there'll be a bonus christmas chapter later on........ 


who has watched fnaf???? i must know everyones thoughts, favourite characters, i just need to know EVERYTHING please hehehehe
my fav from the main 4 is chica but my fav from all of fnaf will ALWAYS be the marionette/the puppet !!!!!!!!!! 

i hope youre all doing good :)

love you alllll 

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