48: People You Know

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Karl Jacobs


"Oh Mr. Jacobs, you are famous today" Lola grins as she drops her food onto the table across from me. Her eyes flicker to the sweater, my hands are shoved in the pockets nervously picking at some loose threads.

"Why?" Percy scoffs, confusion laced in his voice. 

"Babe, I already told you" Lola rolls her eyes at him before turning back to me, Percy just gives a confused look as he waits for context. "All of the girls are talking about you".

"What's being said?" I question.

"Harmony has told her friends that you're wearing Nicks sweater, apparently she was crying" Lola snickers before continuing. "Obviously none of those girls are loyal, so the news that the boy Nick used to love is wearing his sweater has spread like wildfire".

"Shit" Percy says, raising his eyebrows. "Never thought i'd see the day Karl rises in the school gossip train".

"Oh, no one predicted this" Lola confirms. "The gossip this year is so different. No one expected two nobodies like Nick and Karl to come along" she pauses. "No offense Karl".

"None taken" I shrug. "I don't think Nick and I expected it either".

"Have you heard anything from him yet?" Lola asks, nodding in the direction of Sapnaps table. 

"Nothing" I shake my head. "But i've caught him staring many times".

"Staring isn't nothing, staring in this situation is everything" Lola leans forward, staring into my eyes. "Karl, you have the attention of everyone at this school. One little moment of you both staring at each other will cause chaos".

Percy and I laugh at how ridiculous this all sounds. I know what she's saying is true, Lola is an expert in school drama, but i'm not interested in making this entertainment for the whole school. I'm doing this to get something from Sapnap, I never thought about the other things that could've happened.

The bell rings and I say bye to my friends before making my way to my next class. I walk past Harmony and Aaron in the hallway. Her eyes are bloodshot red, his hand is resting on her shoulder in a comforting way and they both glare at me as I pass them. I don't give them satisfaction of looking at them, I act like I don't even notice them. I want to make them aware that this stunt isn't about Harmony, it isn't even directed to her. It's only about Sapnap and I. 

When I walk into class I go straight to my usual seat in the back corner, when I pull out the chair to sit down I see a folded piece of paper with my name on it. I pick it up and sit down, hesitating before I unfold it. I know who it's from, I can tell just by the handwriting.


meet me in the old music room (the one with the smashed window) halfway through this class

need to see you 


If the handwriting didn't make it obvious enough, the lack of capital letters  really gave it a way that it's a letter from Sapnap. I stare at it for a moment longer, debating whether I should go or not. I know i'll end up in the old music room in the next twenty minutes, but it's nice to think that i'm giving myself the chance to think about it. 

My leg anxiously bounces throughout the first half of class. My eyes are fixed on the clock, counting down the minutes until I lie to the teacher saying I need to go to the bathroom. The moment it's halfway through class, my hand shoots up into the air.

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