18: Treacherous

669 18 17

Karl Jacobs


"C'mon Karl, it always works out perfectly in the movies!" Lola throws her hands around as she talks. 

"No, it's dumb" I pause. "And movies aren't real".

"Pfft" she rolls her eyes. "I'm smart Karl, we can win both of them if we just do this".

"Lola" I stop walking and turn to face her. "For 'fake dating' to work Sapnap actually has to already have feelings for me, so it would only work for you. We're not doing it".

She opens her mouth to say something but is interrupted by Sapnap walking up to us.

"Not doing what?" he's holding onto the straps of his backpack, pulling them closer together across his chest. We both blankly stare at him not knowing what to say.

"I think that we should throw a party next week" Lola grins, "It would be Karls first big party hosted by him" she pauses. "And i'll co-host, obviously".

"Oh!" Sapnap looks surprised. "I never thought Karl would want to throw a party".

"I don't" I huff. 

"I think you should" Sapnap smiles at me. I look at Lola to see her grinning at herself, she's probably thinking that her plan would work perfectly. "Maybe not a party though, just a small hang out. We could all play Mario Party or something".

"I can't do that-"

"We can do it at my house" Sapnap butts in before I could finish my sentence, like he can read my mind and just knew my excuse was going to be my house. "Or Harmony's".

"I'll think about it".

The bell rings making us go our separate way. Lola and I make our way to the opposite end of the school. The whole walk there she's trying to convince me to go along with her fake dating plan. I tell her that I will think about it.

And i'm already thinking about it. If she's right and Sapnap does have some kind of feelings for me than fake dating a girl he has history with would bring those feelings up. I know I shouldn't, it's a cruel plan but what if  it is the only way? Before Lola knew I had no desire to share my feelings for Sapnap with anyone, let alone him. I was going to live my life crushing hard on my best friend, if he ever felt the same then we'd date and get married, but if he never mentioned it than I was ready to keep it a secret until i'm in the grave. 

Lola and I would both be getting something out of a fake dating deal, we'd both be making the people we like a lot jealous. I mean, it's always going to work out perfectly for her, we already know Aaron has feelings for her. It's riskier for me, if I say yes i'm just going to draw attention to myself and possibly lose Sapnap forever. I remember the reaction from everyone when Lola and I accidentally dated, I can't imagine how much more intense it would be if it was real. Well, real to them, we would know it's fake. 

"-He did! I'm pretty sure he said he had never done it before, but it honestly didn't feel like that" I stop in my tracks. 

"No way Nick done that!" An unfamiliar voice said, along with a gasp.

"He did! I promise! He's like everything Rory never was, Nick is the biggest upgrade ever" Harmony laughed.

"Babe, Rory never even kissed you  anyone was going to be an upgrade after him. Even Aaron!" The other voice laughed. "You're so happy with Nick, I love it".

"I really am" I hear Harmonys smile in her voice. "It's become more serious now, i'm at his house almost every night and we've already discussed college living arrangements".

"You're both planning on going to the same college?"

"Not exactly" Harmony pauses. "Nick keeps saying he doesn't want to go to college. He just wants to move to the city, work for a year then go to college. Like a gap year, but without all the travelling".

"Don't you want to go to NYU?".

"Yea, I never said what city we'd be moving to".

"Does he know this?"

"Not exactly".

I walk away before I hear anymore. I have a tight feeling in my chest, the thought of my best friend moving across the country is too much to think about. We always said we'd move to the city together after high school, we never said we'd be roommates, we just always agreed on moving to the city together. I knew plans would change when he started dating Harmony, but I never expected them to change this soon. Everything keeps changing, it's all happening so fast my mind and body aren't ready for this. 

The thought of Harmony and Sapnap happily living in New York together is breaking me. I can imagine them in their little studio apartment on Christmas morning, exchanging gifts as the snow falls outside while i'm here in our hometown listening to my parents arguing like they do every year. I can see them walking through Central Park holding hands while laughing about something they saw a duck do, I can see Sapnap coming home from work and just snuggling up next to Harmony as they both tell each other about their days. Everything I have imagined myself doing with Sapnap, I can see her doing them with him. My future with him is now Harmony's future with him. A dog, a cat, a kid or two, a big house with a pool, many friends that would come over every Friday night for games night. The family I imagine myself creating with him is now hers, and i'm stuck with the family I was born into. 

The feeling in my chest becomes tighter as all these images of them together flashes through my mind. I do my best to catch my breath, I can't have another episode at school. So I pull out my phone and do the only thing I can.

TO: Lola
Ok. We're fake dating now. Meet me after school so we can talk more. 



so i need to know everyones opinions on Speak Now (Taylors Version) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i also need to know how you are all doing?!?!?!?!?!?

hows everyone feeling about the story?????

i love u all 

will be back soon with more VERY good updated



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