40: man

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The day I knew I was in love with Harmony was the day she was painting my nails for the first time. Her hands were soft and delicate, her eyebrows were furrowed as she focused, she was biting her lip and had her hair tied up in a low bun. She was herself, and she was beautiful. I knew in that moment that I love her. It was the day before Karl fainted at school. Things were so perfect between Harmony and I then, I don't know when it all started going wrong. 

I know everything changed when she walked in on Karl and I, but even before that I knew that there was something wrong. Something had changed and I believed that there was something wrong with me, how could it ever be Harmonys fault? 

I never saw that side of her until we were in New York. Until she wouldn't stop talking about Karl, she'd mention him at the most random times almost like she was obsessed with him. I stayed quiet, I never understood why she was acting that way. At that point I didn't know that she knew so much about us. I don't even know how found out so much about us and our past. I know that I never told her. And I know that she isn't observant enough to notice how I unintentionally react when Karl is present. She never saw the goose bumps spread across my skin when his hand brushed mine, she never noticed how much I blush when he says his name for me. If she ever did notice something, she would've pointed it out. 

My entire life has been Harmony ever since I met her. She's changed me. I still can't tell if I like myself now or not. But I know that I don't like who she is anymore, not after what she done at that party. Karl never deserved any of it, neither did Lola. I was doing everything I could to make sure we avoided them. I saw them as they walked in, my heart ached at the sight of Percy and Karl being friends again. All I wanted was to just join them, but I instead had to steer my girlfriend away from them. I didn't want her to know that he was there.

I wasn't around when everything began happening. I heard the commotion before I saw it. I heard Percy shouting, and I heard Aaron yelling back. I heard Lola crying, I heard people starting the fight chant. When I walked in I saw Harmony laughing while Lola cried, I  instantly knew that she had played a part in whatever started happening.

"-You can't just come in here and kiss my girl!" Aaron was drunk, others would've heard just drunken mumbles but i've learnt how to hear through his slurred speech. 

"She's not your girl!" Lola flinched at the sound of Percy shouting back.

"Well she's not Karls either, clearly" Harmony snickered. I know deep down that if she knew I was in the room then she wouldn't of said anything. She would've acted innocent. 

"She never was Karls" Percys words struck me. I remember stepping closer to them all, but I made sure I wasn't in Harmonys line of sight. My mind was stuck on Percys words. I didn't know what it meant.

"Percy" Lola sobbed. That was all she said.

"Well obviously" Harmony rolled her eyes. "Everyone knows Karl loves Nick".

I remember the feeling of my stomach sinking. A thousand thoughts went through my brain at once. I searched through my brain, trying to remember a time when I possibly could've told Harmony about everything. But even when I was drunk, I knew that I never once told her anything. 

"W-What?" Aaron waited for Harmony to say something. "Nick?"

"Percy just confirmed everything" Harmony laughed. "Karl and Lola were never together-"

"We were" Lola was still crying, her voice was cracking. "I-I love Karl".

"Were?" Aaron questioned. "None of this is making any sense, babe".

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