46: Heather

518 15 58

Karl Jacobs


"You really think I should do this?" Lola looks at me, her eyes wide with fear.

"Of course" I nod. "If Percy found out you're still messaging Aaron he won't react well. Blocking him is the easiest way to start the process of removing him from your life".

"I don't know if I want that" she stares down at her phone, scrolling through Aarons latest posts. She scrolls until she's at the last post that she was in. He's kissing her cheek and she smiling. "It's always been him, Karl. What if Percy is just a phase like all the other guys?"

"Lola" I sigh. "Aaron isn't a good person. He really isn't good for you. These past few weeks with Percy is the happiest i've ever seen you. I want to see you happy all the time, even if Percy does end up being a phase. I just know that you deserve the best, always. And Aaron isn't the best".

There are tears in her eyes but I watch her press the button to block him. She places her phone facedown on the bed before wiping away any tears that fell. I wrap my arm around her and she falls into my chest. 

"Have you blocked Nick?" I feel my breathing go slow as I hear his name. She looks up at me waiting for an answer, but I don't look down to her. "Karl?"

"No" I say honestly. "But that's different" she sits up, frowning at me. 

"How is it any different?" She questions. 

"It just is" I shrug. "We never dated, we're just ex-best friends" it still hurts to say out loud.

"You should block him" I shake my head. "Why?"

"There's something I want to do. If it doesn't work out, then i'll block him".

"What is it?"

I tell Lola all about my plan for Monday. She listens closely and smirks with satisfaction as I show her what I plan to do. She fully supports me and hugs me before leaving. I watch her drive out my driveway before I run back up to my room. But I stop by my mums room before I make it to my own. She's laying on her bed reading a romance book, but as I look closer I noticed her eyes are actually closed. I sneak in and shut the book, pulling it out of her hands. I look around for her blanket before gently placing it on her. I smile softly before going to my room.

I sit at my computer and open Minecraft. I told one of my online friends that i'd play with him earlier, it feels like forever since I last played with him. We agreed to work on our base together, but as i'm building I see Sapnaps name pop up in the bottom corner saying he's joined. I continue doing what i'm doing, he comes around to help us and i'm reminded of old times when we used to play together almost every night. We don't say anything to each other, he doesn't even join us in Discord. He just does his own thing, and we do our own thing. It's the only part of us that hasn't been effected by real life dramas, it's the only peace we have left. I don't want myself or anyone to take this from us. 


My eyes feel like they're glued shut, my body just wants to stay asleep forever. When I eventually get my eyes open, I roll over to see the date. My body is now awake, a thousand different thoughts and scenarios are running through my brain as I read 'December 3rd'. 

I stand up from my bed and see the sweater folded on my dresser. I'm quick to get dressed and put the sweater on. I'm instantly met with the smell of him, it takes me back to when he gave it to me a year ago. A thousand different memories race through my mind. If I had the chance to go back to then, I would be honest. I would tell him everything, he would know that I love him. If I had done all of that from the beginning, Harmony wouldn't even be around. But neither would Lola, Percy, Noah and Henry. Would Sapnap and I even of survived as a couple?

Doubt runs through my mind as I stare at myself in the mirror. The memory of Harmony wearing it comes up and I quickly pull it off my body. Something that once meant everything to me has again been ruined by her existence. Every memory I have while wearing that sweater has been replaced with her wearing it. Just like every memory I have with Sapnap has been replaced with memories of her ruining us. 

My phone dings and I pick it up to see a notification from Lola. I sit on my bed as I open her message to see that she's sent me Harmonys Instagram story. I open it to find that she's posted a mirror selfie of her wearing one of Sapnaps sweaters, the song Sweater Weather is playing and the caption says "i'm only with him for his sweaters and music taste".

A sour taste rises in my throat, anger runs in my veins as I think about this date last year. He's doing it all again with her, he's replacing his own memories with her. Why wouldn't he? Harmony is the definition of perfect to him, and I accepted a long time ago that i'm far from being perfect. It all makes me feel like i'm not enough anymore. The sweater, the song. Everything is the same.

I don't bother replying to whatever Lola said after sending me that story. I just rise back up to my feet, anger and jealousy bursting out of my pores as I reach for the sweater I threw to the ground only a few seconds ago. I pull it over my head and stare in the mirror. I never wanted to be the person to start the drama, I really never wanted to be a part of any drama. But i'm looking at myself now, and I know that whatever drama comes from today started with me. It'll be my doing, and i'm ready to deal with the consequences of it. I'll take all of it if it means Sapnap is in my life once again. Even if his presence is negative, at least we'll be closer than what we are right now.



how is everyone??!!! 

i went away for a few days and it messed my schedule up! but im back now YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY

i hope you all liked this chapter hehe 

ill be back VERYVERYVERY SOON with more....... <3

ily all soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much :)

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