•60: Wanted Asher; Death or Alive•

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•In the underground thingy•

"Hey, Shinko watch Timothee for me." Asher ordered and Shinko approached him.

"Shinko  thought you had him under control." Shinko teased him and he just smirked.

"Not if they plan something that I won't  be able to know." Then Asher walked away and noticed Poki staring at Micheal's door.

He walked towards to her and talked "Are you feeling guilty?"

Poki glared at him and replied "Well I'm not like you."

Asher smiled and whispered "Well I am not like you too.. I am not a coward."

Poki's eyes widened as she glared at Asher "I am not a coward!"

"Then why are you here?" Asher mocking her and she sighs.

"I am here because of Ra-" she pauses while staring at Asher who is laughing at the moment.

"Hahaha.. I dare you to finish it.." Asher murmured then Poki frowned.

"Is Rae still alive? I am just confirming..." She asked softly as if she was a tamed puppy.

Asher turned his back and replied "As if she will be alive. Wake up, Poki. Wake in reality. Don't just jump in to your own make belief world and assume that your lady is still alive."

"But I saw her.. alive.. here.." Poki said as she held Asher's arm. "I know you are lying just please... confirm that she's still alive. That the body we found was just a decoy. You can all do that here right? Your technology? Cloning living things?"

Asher gulped and got out of her grip "You just called me a liar indirectly and still asked for the truth? That's confusing, Pokimane."

Poki leaned closer and asked once again "Please can you just tell me.."

"Here's what I'm gonna tell you." Asher said as he faced her again and continued "Everything you see here, can't be seen on the surface so if you see her here she won't be able to be seen in the surface meaning that she will be gone there. If she stays here for a long amount of time, she will rot. That's why what you are saying is a complete delusion. There's no Valkyrae, there's no myths, there's no fairies and all of your fantasies are just imagination."

Poki froze and Asher smiled "Look, girl..  I know you lost a friend but that isn't our business."

"Asher, where's Shinko?" Phillip suddenly asked and Asher sighed.

"Just Asher? You just called me Asher? Just Asher?" Asher questioned back to him.

He titled his head and asked "Why? Am I not allowed to call you Asher?"

"That's a total disrespect to me." Asher replied and Phillip furrowed his brows.

"I called you Asher before.." Shinko suddenly appeared out of nowhere and dragged Phillip in very corner of this base.

"Oh Shinko! I've been-" He was quickly cut off by Shinko. "I think Timothee is also planning something"

"Everyone is planning something of course.." Phillip replied and Shinko paused.

"Wait.. why are you looking for me?" Shinko asked to him and Phillip smiled.

"Well uhm.. I know you killed a lot of peeps.. and I also kill a lot of people and watch them suffer so.." Phillip held Shinko's both hands and stared at his eyes.

"So? So what? Get to the point, Phil.." Shinko impatiently said then Phillip leaned closer.

"Maybe we could.. take a break go to surface.. have a normal date you know. Without your fucking adopted father, Asher and without plans. Just chillin..you know" Phillip shyly says and that made Shinko smile.

"Oh that's so romantic.." Shinko replied and he hugged Phillip "Of course I will.."

"Look at those two, so happy and yeah.. are you gonna stop them?" Poki asked to Asher in the distance.

"Nah let them be. Karma will all the work. And by the way, where's Phonoi?" Asher asked to her and she looked down.

"I don't know.." Poki replied and then Asher sighed.

"Go in the ground floor and find her. Also.. quit your delusions. You are being so delusional." Asher then walks away and yet, His eyes are still glaring at Shinko and Phillip.

Meanwhile, Poki just followed what Asher said and she went on the ground floor. It was cold and slightly dark. It was like a lab but there were a lot of ice spikes and frozen things. It kinda looks like Antarctica.

She looks around and notices something. Large containers are all around.. all of them are containing a human body. It is like they are frozen in time.

Then she stops as soon as she sees someone familiar. It's like she saw something from afterlife. Her jaw almost dropped and then she touched the ice.

"Rae?" She asked and her whole body shivered.

She knew Asher was lying.. she knew all along. That was reason why she betrayed Toast because Acta said.. she was still alive, but is she? Is this Rae? Is this the real one?

Poki had a lot of questions. She almost cried when she saw but.. she couldn't do anything. She tried punching the ice but it wasn't worth it. Her fist started to bled not long enough after she started smashing it with bear hands.

Finally, tears dropped down from her eyes. She was feeling worthless, selfish and guilt.. all occurred at the same time. Guilt because Sykkuno was still in prison, Toast was here in the underground and Corpse.. was being controlled.

She knew Corpse was being controlled. She knew Corpse can change but she can't do it. She can't say anything and she can't object.

All of that thoughts came in her mind and she just kneeled in the front of the ice.

"I'm so sorry, Rae.. I couldn't protect the trust.. I built." She whispered and she burst into tears.


ey hello! My friend livestreamed in fb and I'm also there soo yeah.. if you're interested
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