•45: Run Boy, Run•

421 31 26

<>Yes, same house<>

The rain was slowly becoming more silent as the time passed by as if it knows what's going on and what's going to happen. Toast just stared at all of them while his brows were furrowed.

He then sighed and said loud enough to be heard from the second floor "Sykkuno, I know you who the imposter is. Can you say that to everyone else?"

Sykkuno froze and Sun ah glanced at him. She titled her head and asked "What's wrong, Uncle?"

All of their widen and Sykkuno got the main attention. Yvonne quickly went upstairs and approached him. She held his hand and begged.

"Please.. Tell them it wasn't me.. Sykkuno you know, it wasn't me.." Yvonne plead.

Sykkuno is now having an existential crisis and he doesn't know what to do. That's why Toast went upstairs and just said "Just take care of Sun Ah, Yvonne. I'll talk to him."

Then Yvonne let go and she got Sun ah. Toast closed the door and glanced at Sykkuno.

"Who is the imposter, Sykkuno?" Toast questioned to him.

He just looked down and replied "I-I.. d-don't know what to do.."

Toast sighed and explained "I know... I-... I don't.. wanna.." He paused and their eyes met once again.

Toast then caressed his face and leaned closer "Was it Corpse?"

"No.. it could me.. I'm just sayin.." Sykkuno replied in the most nervous way possible.

Toast glanced at him in disbelief and said "I don't know which one of us.... you are trying to protect.."

Sykkuno just hugged him and whispered "I-I am tired.." He then let his tears flowed down and completely rest his head on Toast's shoulder.


They all help each other and lifted up the four very alive people. Then they put them in four seperate rooms. They all stopped convulsing and thankfully they are still breathing. But then, everyone just concealed themselves into their room, mourning about Pewds, Masayoshi and Probably Micheal.

But someone comes into Shinko's room and just pours a lot of water with ice to wake him up. That totally woke him up.

Shinko breathe heavily as he look around to see Timothee glaring at him "Hey, carry your own ass and get the hell out of here."

"Did you just put poison in Shinko's drink?" Shinko asked with a bit of annoyance.

Timothee laughed out loud and replied "Don't worry, you won't die. It's just ya know.. a normal thing that criminals use to excape prison sometimes.."

"Shinko is asking if it's from Ms. Gold?" Shinko asked as he looked around in a very innocent way.

Timothee sighed and explained "Listen here, young blood. We are losing here.. Sykkuno knows it was me and also Jeremy. Now for the sake of our organization. Can you please do the plan?"

"Then what are you gonna do?" Shinko questioned in a serious tone.

Timothee smiled and answered "Live my normal life.."

"As an imposter?" Shinko asked jokingly then he forcefully grabbed his collar and murmured "Aren't ya jealous of Shinko? He means, you aren't living in your own life. This is all just fake. None of this is real and everything about you are all sugar coated lies."

Timothee grabbed his collar too and bite his lips before speaking "You are too young compare to me. You know nothing but pain. Soon, you'll realize that as the time goes.. pain is just a way to learn. Without it, love will be meaningless and sadness will just become a word without any purpose. Do you understand?"

"Pain is what keeps Shinko on moving forward. Shinko think understand now..." Shinko smiled and added "..Someone like you will never appreciate someone like Shinko and Phillip."

"Fuck off..." Timothee uttered then he continued "Just get out of here and do your thing. You know the Plan A/2, right?"

Shinko smiled and replied "Hehe, if Shinko do that thing, will ya miss him?"

"My brother was dead." Timothee replied in a cold tone.

"Awww man, Shinko thinks of you as a brother.... a brother that he can kill anytime." Shinko teased to him and he just let go.

"Just do as I said, Plan A/1 didn't work.." Timothee was about to leave but Shinko stopped him.

"No brotherly goodbye kiss??" He jokingly questioned.

Timothee then opened the door and saw Sun Ah with her Teddy bear. "Papa, what are you doing there??"

"Nothing." Timothee gulped and furrowed his brows. His heart beat rises and his temperature also rises.

Shinko smiled as brightly as he could and said "That little child of yours is endearing, Corpse.."

Timothee slowly glanced at him and replied "Thanks, Shinko."

"Are you friends with him, Papa?" Sun Ah asked while she almost came in but Corpse was stopping her.

"No.. no.. I just.. warned him about the things he said to you before.. he's really a bad guy here.." Corpse said to his daughter... or should I say Timothee.

"Am I really the bad guy here?" Shinko seriously asked to him while staring intensely at them.

"Papa, he looks so pale and skinny. He's scary but I wanna take care of him.." Sun Ah just innocently said to her father.

Corpse can't even speak at this point and Shinko smiled again creepily "Oh yes please, take care of Shinko, little lady and you'll get what you deserve.. or atleast what your father deserve."

Corpse just quickly lifted up hid daughter and slammed the door. Shinko took this opportunity to get out as what Corpse said. Toast and the others heard that and they immediately went outside of their rooms to check if everything's alright.

"Oh hey, Toast one friend of yours just got out." Corpse said in his deep voice. He always have a deep voice.. Timothee has deep voice.

"What!?" Toast quickly rushed towards to them and opened the door behind them.

Sun Ah was about to speak but Corpse cut her off "She almost hurt my daughter.."

No, Corpse's real name isn't Timothee. It's actually like a thingy.. It's  a long story. Well he can be Adam/s.. we'll never know.. maybe someday..

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