Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Sasuke's POV

I'm on my managers office and he's asking me about the news i did at school lately. damn! it's really hard to move now when every move you do was watched by everyone.

"I said,, that girl was the one i like.."

i said to my manager.

"then can't you just text her and ask her to talk to you some where private and you don't have to be violent?!"

he shouted.

"agh! what ever! just don't make it a big deal.. just tell them i've changed and i'm no longer the badboy now.. tell them i found my weakness that's why I'm like that towards her..what ever! just do what your good at.."

i said and stood.

"fine! but you're going on an interview tomorrow and answer all the questions they have for you! if you want a faithful image now then start asking her out already for real or just use her to get that image you want!"

he shouted so i went out of his office and left.

the next day was a tiring day cause' i keep on following Hinata and asking her to go on a date with me but she's really mad on what i did. but.. maybe i should perform at the interview and ask her to go on a date with me there. I'm not doing this cause' i want the image.. I'm doing this cause' i want to fix things up with her and bring back our relationship even just friends if she wants..


"So.. Sasuke.. what exactly happened on your first day at college? i mean... you know.. that girl in this video.."

the interviewer asked while i can see on the screen the video that was taken when i was pulling Hinata away to tha guy with a brown hair.

"All i can say is that.. she was my first love since High school.. we.. didn't get a chance to fix things up when we're still in high school cause' she transfered school and left.. we didn't say goodbye at each other so the moment i saw her again yesterday.. i didn't let myself waste the opportunity to talk to her and tell her I'm a jerk and i still love her so much.. but.. i didn't get a chance to tell her I'm sorry and I still love her cause' she left me stranded there not letting me explain things just like what i did to her before when... we're still in High school.. we... we where good friends and supposed to be good lovers but.. i'm a jerk and didn't chase her.."

i explained.. i tried to be strong but making me remember the past makes me want to cry but.. i don't want to specially in front of the camera.

"wow.. so that's the reason why you turned to be the badboy Uchiha Sasuke.. now we know.. right guys?!.. so.. tell me more.. how is she?.. tell me about this girl?..we discovered she's a really rich lady and posing for a magazine from another magazine."

the interviewer asked.

"Yeah.. saw those magazine after four months we loose connections.. she was.. i think happy now.. cause' i can see her smile often not like before.. she was always bullied by girls and it got worst when we started to have a connection. she was always alone and have no friends so my bestfriend and I became her friend.."

I answered.

"tell me more?.."

he asked.

"She's a great singer too.. well.. she was offered by our company to sing but she didn't accept it.. she was a simple and innocent girl with a real beauty.. she's different from other girls that i dated.."

i said.

"ohhhh... i think your fans would be jealous of her.. don't you think she might be bullied by your fans just like in High school?"

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