Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Hinata's POV

After the party, I went back home remembering the things happened lately at the party. I suddenly realized I screwed up again and I'm sure father would kill me.

I opened the door as I entered hell and face Satan. I mean father.


I heard someone called me. It's none other than of course my father who's mad and waiting for me to come home and schooled me.

"Yes father?"

I said.

"You screwed up again. But I'll let that go cause' my guests enjoyed your performance. "

Father said and went up stairs leaving me alone at the door.

*kring kring kring*

I asnwered my phone and it was my bandmate.

"Yo masque, get some rest tomorrow for our band performance for the festival."

"Yeah sure. I will.. get some rest too okay?"

"Okay.. I will. I better go now I need to do some things to night. Bye.."


I went to my room and get some rest. Tomorrow I should get gifts for Sasuke and Naruto wish they would love it.

The next day,

My personal maid woke me up to give me breakfast in bed.

"Good morning my lady. Sorry for bothering you but lord Hiashi said you should wake up cause' it's late already and take a breakfast."

She said.

"Thank you.."

I said and she started to walk towards the door but I stopped her.

"Ms. Do you have a son?"

I asked.

"Yes my lady."

She answered.

"What would you give him for Christmas? "

I asked again.

"Uhm.. I think it's something he likes to do or anything he wants that I can afford my lady."

She said.

"Oh.. okay. Thank you. You could leave now."

I said. She went out and bowed before closing the door.

I dig in to my food and took a shower. I should go to the mall early cause' lots of people would be at the shopping district. After taking a shower. I wear my favorite lavender sweater with a white scarf, a black skinny jeans a white bonet and a white boots. It's cold outside today so I grabbed my coat hanging on the side of my cabinet.

I went out of my room and saw Hanabi standing from my side.

"Where you going?"

She asked.

"I-I'll go to the shopping district. Why'd you asked?.."

I asked.


She shouted and run away from me but suddenly a purple box drop with a white ribbon dropped.

"You saw nothing!!"

She shouted again and run to her room.

What's wrong with her today?..

I looked at my watch and saw it's late already so I called our driver to come with me and help me cary my shopping bags. He's the one that saw me dragged by Sasuke from the car. I chose him cause' he's the only one who knows I'm really not like my father or hanabi who yells at him. I can freely do anything and don't have to act like a doll.

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