Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Hinata's POV

I had a great time yesterday. I got to shop gifts for Naruto and Sasuke then.. Sasuke.. Sasuke gave this necklace to me.. I thought it was for masquerade just like what Naruto said.. but.. he gave it to me.. it's.. it's really beautiful.. why did he even gave me one?..

"Hey sis.. what's with your face? Are you sick? You're face is turning red."

I was shocked on what I just heard. It was Hanabi. It was the first I heard her talk.. I mean. Talk to me..

"Y-you're. . You're talking to me?"

I asked out of the blue.

"Who else would I be talking to. A ghost?"

Hanabi coldly replied.

"Uhm.. sorry.."

I apologized.

"So.. your boyfriend gave that to you?.. that waiter guy with a raven hair and an onyx eyes on the party?.."

She said and sat next to me at the couch.

Boyfriend? What is she talking about? Sasuke hated me.. tho.. we.. we did things like kiss and that on the hotel and other things then he gave me this.. wait? What am I saying?! Agh! I.. I really don't get Sasuke.. why my face heat up again?!

"You're blushing again.. so.. he's your boyfriend?.. I heard he visits you here.. so what happened?.. di you two went to your room?"

Hanabi teasingly said. I never thought hanabi talks like this. I blushed again remembering Sasuke and I kissed at the.. guest room.

"W-what are you talking about?! Sasuke.. He.. he's not my boyfriend.. and.. and.. he hates me.. that's all.."

I said to her.

"Then.. why'd you two kissed at the guest room?.. sorry but I saw the two of you at the couch when I was about to enter the room so.. yeah. I didn't bother the two of you cause' you know.. I would get in the way.."

Hanabi said while swirling her hair.

"Y-you! You saw?!"

I shouted as I stood in front of her.

"Well yeah! It was romantic.."

Hanabi said while she was holding her hands and giving me beautiful eyes.

"D-don't tell father about this.."

I begged her.

"Well sure! I don't mind. You're not doing anything wrong.. it's part of teenage life.. getting rebellious.. going on bars.. getting drunk.. going to the hotel near by with your boyfriend and all.."

Hanabi said. She talks like she was older than me or something. W-wait? Did she said.. going to the hotel with Sasuke?!!

"Y-you! You saw me?!"

"Well.. you said it yourself.. just joking! I actually followed you and waited at the parking lot inside my car since I can't enter the bar. I'm still minor you know.. and yeah! It was late and I saw you and Sasuke carrying you bridal style at the parking lot but he seemed to be drunk to.. guess he decided to bring you there at the hotel cause' he can't drive anymore.. he cared for you.. he doesn't want you to get on an accident.. how romantic. You know sis.. at the party.. i can tell he really loves you.. cause' he can't stand what Mr.Gaara was doing to you.. specially father. He even have to guts to stood against father and tell him your not a doll to be controlled like what he wants.."

Hanabi said playfully. She really talks.. different from the Hanabi I know when father was here.. is she faking everything?..

"Uhm.. Hanabi.. what exactly happened and you talked to me?"

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