Chapter 22

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AN: hi girls! So I added a small line from Sasuke at the end part of chapter 21.. check it out first after reading this.. thanks.. ^^

Chapter 22

"At last! We're here!"

Naruto shouted while arching his back. He went closer to Hinata and grabbed her bag.

"Here.. let me help you with that.."

Naruto said while smiling at her.

"Thank you Naruto.."

Hinata thanked with a smile. Sasuke was looking at the two of them jealous of what he saw. He clenched his hands and looked away.

"Sasuke.. what's wrong?.."

Sakura asked but Sasuke didn't answer her and went inside the hotel where they would stay in. Everyone followed him and Hinata was greeted by the hotels manager and some workers in the hotel.

"Welcome to our hotel ms.Hyuga Hinata and company. We wish all of you will have a great experience here in the hotel."

They all said in que. Hinata's classmates looked at her and asked.

"You own this place?.."

Hinata waves her hand gesturing no to them and said.

"No.. my fiance own the place.. it's not me.."

"Well it'll surely be yours since you're going to marry him.."

"We're so jealous.. I wish I was rich as you are.."

"Me too! I wish I have a rich fiance like yours!"

Her classmates are so jealous specially Sakura who's feeling low of herself. At first she didn't cared she was the Hyuga heiress after discovering it but now that she feels and sees how rich she was.. she's completely jealous specially now that she's suspecting Sasuke and Hinata are keeping secrets from her and everyone.

"I suggest all girls should stay in one room then boys should stay in one room too.."

Their classmate said.

"Yeah.. that's a good idea so we all could have a girls talk while boys could have one too.."

Ino said excitedly.

They all checked in the hotel and everyone went to their room. Hinata throne her bag on the bed and layed there for a while when suddenly, someone called her.

It was Ino who was sitting on the bed next to her.

"So.. you're actually going to marry your fiance?.."

Ino asked with a smile. She was starting a conversation trying to get close with Hinata.

"Yeah.. I am.."

Hinata answered and covered her eyes by a pillow.

"Hinata.. I'm sorry for the things I did to you before.. I was such a spoiled brat that time and still young.. can you forgive me?.."

Ino said.

Hnn.. I know what you want.. you want to be friends with me now so you could tell the world you have a rich friend to boast about.

"That's okay.. I forgive you.."

Hinata lied but deep inside she doesn't want to. She sat on the bed and Ino immediately hugged her that Sakura saw.

"Oh thank you Hinata."

Ino said.

"What are you doing?.."

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