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Naruto's POV

Damn! What the Hell's going on with Sasuke?! I don't get him. The moment I saw him with Hinata after they arrived at the bar. He seemed to care for Hinata, specially when he said he's going to bring her home. But agh!! Why is he torturing her?.. That time he even didn't get jealous at me the moment I talked to Masquerade to make fun of Sasuke and make him jealous. Everything's making my head hurt!!!

I'm already here inside the room while Hinata and Sasuke are the only one who's not in. Are they together? No.. That's impossible. Hinata's mad at him.

As I think about the two. The door slowly opened and I hoped it's Hinata. I really need to talk to her..

As the door widely opened my high hopes to talk with Hinata was gone cause' it was Sasuke who entered the room. I didn't give him a look nor talk to him not until he broke the silence between the two of us.

"The bar owner at Heaven wants us to perform tonight. He said some music companies are going to be there and are looking for new band recruit or singers. We should go. This might help us reached the top. I hope our band doesn't disband because of this fight Naruto."

He said with his cold tone while looking at his cellphone.

"Yeah.. Sure. We need to act professional for our band since we made hard work to be known even if its just here in konoha."

I replied while looking bored in front of the class seeing my classmates having a chitchat.

The class started and it seemed like Sasuke's looking at his phone every minute. looking at the time I guessed and suddenly looked at the door not until he stood up and said to Asuma sensei that.

"Asuma, I'm not feeling well."

He said and all Asuma did was let Sasuke out of the class while his cigarette is on his lips even tho cigarettes are not allowed inside the school premises.

Where the hell would Sasuke go. I'm sure he's not really feeling well. I'm sure of it. I guess I should follow him.

"Asuma Sensai! I think.. I need to go to the bathroom!"

I said as I pretend that natures calling me. He just nod so I run out of the classroom and started to look for Sasuke.

Damn! Where did he go?!

I said to myself as I run around school too look for Sasuke.

"Naruto? Where are you going?"

Iruka sensei asked when he saw me running around corridors to look for Sasuke.

"A-ah! Asuma.. Sensei asked me to pick up Sasuke.."

I lied cause' for sure he'll schooled me for cutting classes. He's like a father to me since my parents died. He always took care of me while Kakashi sensei was Sasuke's guardian.

"Oh yeah.. Sasuke.. I saw him lately with Hinata. I guess he went with her at the clinic."

Iruka sensei said. I thanked him so I hurried to see if Sasuke was in the clinic.

As I reached the clinic at the second floor. I saw no one in. I checked every bed but no sign of them.

I went out the clinic and looked at the window. I saw an expensive car with the hyuga logo at the back.

Is that Neji?.. No.. Neji's here and he's not part of the main brance.. So as Hinata to have an expencive car. I decided to go back to the classroom and there I saw Sasuke walking towards the room.

Falling in love [SasuHina] (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now