Chapter 1: Possible feelings?

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For you to understand the current situation in this story and because it's hilarious, watch the 'the boys read fan fics (again)' video 😂
And some other things you need to know about this AU:
1. No Covid-19 pandemic and
2. Josh and Mully live in the same town in Australia and the others live in a living community in the US

Enjoy reading 😊

Josh's POV:

I couldn't stop thinking about what Eddie said in the video, me and boys just finished recording. "Josh, I feel like that experience with Mully changed you." I couldn't deny that. It changed me, but... in which way? I can't be gay, right? I have a girlfriend and so does Mully. But why do I feel so... different? I took my headset off and placed my head on the desk, thinking about Mully. I felt my phone vibrating beside me and saw a message from my girlfriend:

 I felt my phone vibrating beside me and saw a message from my girlfriend:

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I thought about it for a second and answered.

Fuck, do I even love her anymore? Why did I text that? I'm so confused! I closed my phone and buried my face in my hands

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Fuck, do I even love her anymore? Why did I text that? I'm so confused! I closed my phone and buried my face in my hands. "It was just a video... I can't let it take over me like that. He doesn't love me and I don't love him. That's it!" I thought and got up to change clothes for the date with Kristy.

Mully's POV:

That was a weird recording... The fans have really fucked up minds. Me and Josh... tzz wtf?! I mean, I like Josh, but not in that way. He is my mate. I think i put a bit too much passion in my reading part in the fan fic video... and so did Josh. Us two together? That wouldn't work, right? And we both are in relationships already. "C'mon Mully, don't let such a stupid thing destroy your way of thinking!" I said to myself and went into the living room, where my girlfriend was watching a movie. We were living together at her place for about eight months at that point and it was great. I sat next to her and she smiled at me before looking back at the TV. "Are you done recording?" she asked and I nodded as response. We both finished the film and went to bed right after. I tried my best to keep Josh out of my head. I'm not gay and don't love him. No, stop, full stop, finish!

Third person POV:

Josh arrived at the restaurant and saw his girlfriend already waiting for him. She greeted and kissed him shortly, before they entered the pizza place. The couple sat down at their table and ordered drinks. "How was the recording with the boys?" Kristy asked and took a sip of her glass. Josh just stared at the window, completely zoned out into his thoughts. "Josh, are you okay?" she questioned worried and slightly touched the young man. He flinched and looked at her. "Oh, sorry babe. What did you say?" Josh asked a little embarrassed. "It's fine. How was the recording with the boys?" Kristy repeated herself once again. "It was funny and a little disturbing. We were reading fan fics about us and these fans have some fucked up senses of humor." Josh chuckled. The both of them talked and laughed, until the waiter came to receive their orders. "Have you decided, what you wanna eat tonight?" He asked and smiled at the couple. "Yes, a lasagna for my girlfriend and a pizza margarita for me." Josh ordered and the waiter nodded, before going back into the kitchen. "How was the meeting with your parents?" Josh asked, but didn't receive an answer from Kristy. She starred at her glass and suddenly snapped out of her thoughts. "I'm so sorry, it was great. I showed them the city and we went shopping." she answered and smiled, feeling awkward.

Josh's POV:

For the rest of the evening, the situation repeated over and over again. Both of us weren't able to concentrate on each other. I was permanently distracted by Mully and my possible feelings for him and Kristy... well, I don't know what she thought about, but it was just awkward. We finished eating, said goodbye to each other and went home. Mully wouldn't get out of my head. I kept thinking about him on my way home, in the shower and in bed. Sleeping was hard with all these thoughts, but I eventually drifted off and fell asleep.

Third person POV:

The following two weeks were hard for Josh and Mully. Josh got surer about his feelings for Mully and unsteadier about his feelings for Kristy. He still couldn't figure out, what she thought about though. And Mully? He kept trying to get the thoughts about Josh out of his head and denied everything. The other boys didn't know about any of that. Josh and Mully acted normal in their presence and kept everything inside their heads.

While everything between Mully and his girlfriend seemed normal, the situation between Josh and Kirsty got more embarrassing and disconcerting. One day, Josh decided to text her and clear everything between them.

 One day, Josh decided to text her and clear everything between them

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Josh sat down on his couch and waited for Kirsty to arrive. Thousands of thoughts ran through his mind and he was really nervous to tell her about his feelings for Mully. Suddenly, the doorbell rang and he jumped a little from the sudden sound. After he calmed, he stood up and opened the door. Kirsty greeted him and they both sat down on the sofa to talk.

Hello everyone! Here I am with another 'the boys' fan fic. I hope you enjoyed reading this first chapter and have a great day/night/morning! 😊💕

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