Chapter 7: Just a photo

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Josh's POV:

I blinked sleepy, as the sunshine came through the window. I sat up and looked around. "How did I get here?" I asked myself. Everything started spinning. I held my head and closed my eyes in pain. "Ow, my fucking head..." I whispered and tried to remember anything from last night. Suddenly, it knocked on the door and Narrator entered, with a cup of coffee in his hands. "Good morning. How do you feel?" he asked and took a sip of his cup. "My head hurts and I can't remember much." I answered and he came over to me. "C'mon, I'll help you to get into the kitchen. You drank a lot yesterday." Narrator said and chuckled, before helping me to stand up. I felt very dizzy, but I was able to get on the kitchen table with his support. "There you go." he said and handled me a cup of coffee. "Thanks, man!" I said and took a big gulp. "This feels good." I whispered and put my cup down. "Where are the others?" I asked and looked at Narrator. "Eddie went to buy groceries and Mully and Juicy are still sleeping their hangovers off." he answered chuckling.

"Hey, uhm... can I talk to you about something?" I questioned nervously. "Yeah, sure. Wanna sit down on the couch?" he answered and we sat down. "So, what's wrong?" Narrator looked at me with a mixture of curiosity and worry. I lowered my voice a bit, so Mully won't hear it. "I... I heard your conversation with Eddie and Juicy yesterday morning and... you were right about me. I fell for Mully... Me and Kristy broke up three weeks ago, because both of us fell for someone else. Do you... really think that Mully loves me too?" I felt my face heating up and looked into Narrator's eyes. A bright smile formed on his face. "This... is... so... ADORABLE!!!!" "Shhhhh! Keep it down, please." I whispered fast and he nodded understanding. "Of course he loves you back. I'm 100% sure he does." Narrator's words made my heart jump. "He loves me back..." I whispered a little disbelieving. "Yes, he does and I think you two would fit really good together." Narrator whispered and I smiled. "Thanks for supporting me." I said and hugged him tightly. "You're welcome." he said, hugging me back.

Third person POV:

Josh and Narrator kept talking, until Eddie came home from grocery shopping. Mully stumbled out of his room and Josh brought him a cup of coffee. "Thank you." he said and took a sip of the cup. Everyone besides Juicy were now sitting in the kitchen and talking. Gaege came out of his room after ten minutes, just to lie back down on the couch. He had the worst hangover of them all. "Hey Juicy, do you want a coffee?" Eddie asked friendly. "FUCK OFF!!!" was the only thing, Gaege had to say. Eddie shook his head chuckling and placed a cup of coffee and some headache pills on the coffee table. Juicy looked at the stuff and smiled at Eduardo. "Thanks, idiot." he whispered smiling slightly. "No problem, dumbass." Eddie laughed and went back into the kitchen.

After Juicy took a headache pill and drank his coffee, all of the boys assembled in the living room. "Ok, now where everyone is here... What happened last night? I only remember entering the second club..." Josh asked and Mully and Juicy agreed. "I can show you some pictures, maybe you can remember then." Narrator suggested and connected his phone with the TV, so everyone could see the photos. He scrolled through tones of pictures from last night. Some of them showed Juicy dancing on the bar counter. Others showed Eddie pulling Mully away from the dancefloor. They all laughed at the pictures, until Narrator swiped one too many times. The photo, he took from Mully and Josh in the car was now shown on the TV. "WTF is that?!" Mully asked furiously, with a red face. "That was on our ride home. You fell asleep like that in the back." Narrator explained. "Delete it... NOW!" Mully commanded aggressively. "C'mon Mully, it isn't that bad. And aside from that, you actually fit really good together!" Narrator joked, trying to calm his friend. "STOP FUCKING SAYING THAT!!! Me and Josh are JUST FRIENDS! Why can't you accept that?!" Mully yelled at Narrator. Josh didn't say one word. He just sat there, shocked... hurt... and inwardly disintegrated. "Mully, calm down! Why do you need to be so aggressive? Narrator was just joking." Juicy said, protecting Narrator, but Mully kept yelling. "BUT IT ISN'T FUNNY AT ALL!!! I have a girlfriend and so does Josh! He is just a friend to me, nothing more!" "Stop yelling at them! We get it, but Juicy is right, you don't need to be so aggressive!" Eddie started yelling too and all of them were now in an big argument with Mully. "You know what? I'M DONE! I'm booking a flight for today! Josh, we are leaving!" With these words, Mully ran off into his room to pack his stuff.

Josh's POV:

I winced, as I heard Mully slam the door. I sat on the couch, just staring at the TV. A tear ran down my face. I let it ran. I didn't care anymore. All I felt, was pain. Narrator sat next to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Josh. I didn't think, it would escalate like that." he said, I chuckled. "You know what? You know what? It's okay... my heart just broke into a million pieces, but... IT'S OKAY! EVERYTHING IS OKAY!" I yelled and started crying. "You said, he would love me back... for what? You raised my hopes... for what, Narrator? FOR WHAT??? JUST TO SEE THEM SHATTER LIKE GLASS???" I yelled uncontrollably. I didn't want to yell, but it all busted out of me. "I'm sorry..." I whispered, stood up and ran into my room.

Third person POV:

Juicy and Eddie looked at Narrator, just waiting for any kind of reaction. But he just sat there, not knowing what to do. "Hey, you didn't mean to make that happen. It's not your fault, you couldn't have known that." Gaege tried to comfort him and pulled him into a hug. Narrator still didn't show any emotional reaction. "I ruined everything..." he whispered, disappointed in himself.

About two hours later, Mully came back out of his room, with his suitcase in his hands. He didn't look at the others in the living room. "Josh, are you done?" was the only thing he said. Josh came out of his room shortly after. He didn't look at Mully. He just darted a sad glance at Narrator, Juicy and Eddie, before leaving the house with Mully.

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