Chapter 21: Make him happy

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Mully's POV:

It's been almost an hour since I last saw Josh. I wasn't sure, whether it would've helped, if I would've gone back in there. So I decided to stay out. I couldn't get my thoughts from earlier out of my head. "Did someone hurt Josh? And if so, was it the guy he's in love with? Or was is something completely different? Was it... me?" I held my head desperately. It was frustrating not to know what to do or how to help Josh. I hated seeing him hurt.

Third person POV:

While Mully was concentrated on his thoughts, he didn't realize Josh coming down the hallway and watching him. Mully looked up and saw his friend standing there. Josh's eyes were red and he looked like he was a nervous wreck. "Is everything alright?" Mully asked carefully and approached Josh. "Yea sure... it was... nothing... " Josh sighed and shrugged his shoulders. Mully got down on his knees and  made eye contact. "Are you sure?" Mully asked with a concerned look.

Josh's POV:

This look. This goddamned look. I was about to break down again. I could feel it. My eyes filled with tears again. I closed them and gulped hard. A forced "Yes..." was the only thing I was able to say. I took a deep breath, locked eyes with Mully again and tried my best to smile. I could tell by his facial expression that he wasn't believing me. "You know I'm there to talk, if you need me." he said and smiled sympathetically, before walking into the kitchen. I wanted to tell him everything so bad, but the moment I opened my mouth to say something, my throat closed and I wasn't able form any kind of word. I just let it be and went into the living

Mully's POV:

I watched Josh from my chair. He sat down on the couch and covered his face with his hands. He seemed very desperate and stressed. I really wanted to help him and make him feel more comfortable, so I decided to join and carefully put my arm around him. To my astonishment, he flinched and looked at me. I saw tears fill his eyes and he turned his back on me. I was confused and didn't really know what to do. "I'm sorry..." I whispered, thinking it did something wrong. Josh didn't look at me. He just muttered "It's not your fault..." and lied down on the other end of the sofa. "Good night..." was the last thing I heard from him.

Third person POV:

Josh fell asleep pretty quickly. He was drained and just wanted to get away from all the fear and pressure. Mully noticed Josh's slow and calm breathing and bended over to see his friend passed out. There were tears on Josh's cheeks and his sleeves were also wet. Mully watched him for a few seconds, before he slowly rubbed the tears off his face. Josh was fast asleep and didn't even notice it.

Mully's POV:

I put a blanket on top of Josh and went to my room. I lied down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. My mind was going crazy. "It's probably my fault... Otherwise he would tell me... or would he? I don't know... Maybe I should try to cheer him up a bit. Yes, I will plan out a lot of fun things for us to do... Maybe I'll ask Smashing and the others to join. I want to make him happy again." I thought and I smiled. This little hope made me feel better and I was able to fall asleep.

Third person POV:

The next morning, Mully made all kinds of plans on what to do with Josh. He also made a separate group chat only with Smashing, Eddie, Narrator and Juicy and sent them a text.

 He also made a separate group chat only with Smashing, Eddie, Narrator and Juicy and sent them a text

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Shortly after he sent the message, a conversation with the boys was on.

Shortly after he sent the message, a conversation with the boys was on

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Narrator's POV:

I knew what the problem was, but I couldn't just text that. It wouldn't be fair towards Josh, if I would out him in front of Mully just like that. I decided to keep my mouth shut and act like I don't know anything. Suddenly, Eddie and Juicy busted into my room. "Do you know something about this?" they both asked confused synchronized with their phones in their hands. I just nodded and told them about Josh's call. "Do you think cheering him up will work?" Juicy asked worried. "I honestly don't know, but we need to try it at least." I said and looked back on my phone.

Third person POV:

Mully sent another message to the group chat and the conversation kept going.

Mully sent another message to the group chat and the conversation kept going

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Mully's POV:

I closed my phone and smiled. I was glad to have friends like them. It was 10:45 AM and I decided to check up on Josh. So I walked out of my room and made my way into the living room. Josh was still fast asleep on the couch, in the same position he was yesterday. I slowly approached my friend and sat down next to him. My eyes wandered up and down his body, which was laying there. Calmly. Barely moving. I thought about yesterday and frowned. "What's hurting you so much?" I whispered and softly touched his shoulder.

Josh's POV:

I woke up to something touching me. I quickly turned around and looked into Mully's shocked and worried eyes. "It's you..." I sighed relieved and dropped my head back on my pillow. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." he whispered. He sounded so guilty. I frowned. "It's okay..." I muttered, got up and walked into the kitchen to get some coffee. I came back into the living room with two cups and handed one over to Mully. "Thanks." he said and I smiled a bit. "I have something to tell you." Mully pointed out, after he took at sip of his cup. I looked at him, hoping he wouldn't see the nervousness in my eyes. "The boys are coming over again. Tomorrow probably. We'll meet them at our local pub and talk a bit. Is that okay for you?" he questioned with a small smile on his lips. My eyes went down to my mug. "It wouldn't be bad to meet all of them again." I thought, not sure, if it was the truth. "Sure." I answered and saw the smile on Mully's face grow. "It was the right decision." I whispered to myself and smiled a bit more confident, while taking a big gulp of coffee. "Cool." he answered enthusiastically and looked at me with satisfaction in his eyes.

Mully x Josh (Lovestory) ✓Where stories live. Discover now