Chapter 5: "I think you would look cute together..."

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Third person POV:

Sightseeing and visiting a mall was the order of the following day. Narrator, Eddie and Juicy showed Mully and Josh the downtown and special places of the city. All the good clubs and restaurants, the park and a big viewing platform, where you could see the entire city from. Their last station was eventually the big mall. "Ok gentlemen, here we are: The biggest mall in town!" Narrator promulgated, as they entered the ginormous building. It had at least four levels, all connected by escalators with minimum fifty different stores, restaurants and bars. The two Australian men had never seen something this huge before. "Holy shit, dude..." Josh whispered with a dropped jaw. "Amen to that!" Mully agreed with him.

The boys went through all kinds of stores: Two game stores, a shoes store, a CD store, two or three snack bars and ended up at one of the clothing stores. "Alright, this is our last shop for today, because the mall is closing in about thirty minutes or something." Juicy said and the five men separated in two groups. Mully and Eddie in one and Josh, Narrator and Juicy in the the other one. They split up in the room to search for clothes. Josh looked around and found a dark t-shirt with two red roses and black splashes on the left side of the chest.

This is what it looks like👆 (designed by me)

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This is what it looks like👆 (designed by me)

"This looks fire! I will try it on really quick." he thought and went into one of the changing rooms. He put it on and admired himself in the mirror. "Wow! That's siiick, dude!" Juicy complimented Josh and gave him thumbs up. "Yea, this looks really good on you." Narrator added and Josh smiled. "I'm taking it!" he promulgated proud and changed back into his regular clothes.

After twenty minutes of looking through the shelves, Gaege, Narrator and Josh heard a familiar whistle from the exit. "Ey boys, at you done? We are waiting for you!" Eddie yelled. "Yes, give us a second!" Juicy yelled back and the three boys payed for their stuff, before leaving the mall with Mully and Eddie. They arrived at home really exhausted and tired, so they went to bed early to be ready for the amusement park on Thursday.

Josh's POV:

I got woken up by a hyperactive, excited Juicy in the morning. "GET UP, SLEEPYHEAD!!! IT'S THEME PARK TIME!!!" he yelled and ran into Mully's room to do the same. "So much energy... so early in the morning... Wtf is wrong with this guy?!" I whispered and stood up to get ready. It took me a while to fully wake up, but it got better, after showering. I walked out of the bathroom, with a towel around my waist. As I was looking for something to wear, the black t-shirt from yesterday caught my eye. "Perfect!" I thought and put it on with some blue jeans and black sneakers. I looked at myself happy and walked towards the kitchen to get some coffee. Suddenly, Juicy passed by me with what looked like the speed of light. I entered the kitchen, where I saw Narrator and Eddie, already drinking their coffees. "Good morning, boys! Can one of you explain to me what the hell is wrong with this kid?" I asked and pointed at Gaege, running in circles in the living room. "He already had four cups of coffee and it didn't mix so well with his excitement." Narrator laughed and took a sip off his cup. "Oh ok, I see." I answered and poured out some coffee for myself. "Nice shirt you got there, Josh." Eddie noticed. I smiled. "Thanks." "Mully actually bought the same, yest-..." Eddie got interrupted by me almost spilling my coffee. "Mully did WHAT?!?" I yelled surprised. In that moment, Mully walked in, wearing the same fucking t-shirt...

Third person POV:

Josh and Mully looked at each other. Josh's face turned in a dark shade of red and Mully blushed pink. "Well, well... looks like, your going in matching clothes today. How sweet." Narrator started fanboying over the two boys. "Fuck off, Narrator! That's just coincidence..." Mully tried to close that theme again and took a cup of coffee. "Can we PLEEEEEEEEAAAAAAASE go now? We are waisting tiiiiiiiime!" Juicy screamed impatiently. "Yes, just let us finish our coffee first." Eddie said and Gaege sat down on the couch, pouting, until they were finally ready to drive.

After a very long and annoying drive, they eventually arrived at the amusement park. Gaege couldn't wait to get out of the car and run towards the entrance. "Juicy, wait!" Narrator yelled, but he still ran. "This kid..." Narrator sighed and waited for the others to come with him to the entrance. They all payed for the tickets and entered the theme park. After a lot of rollercoasters, waterslides and carousel rides, the five friends all sat on benches. Mully and Josh shared one and the others the one next to them. They all ate ice cream and enjoyed the warm weather.

Suddenly, a little girl came running up to the group of boys and stopped in front of Mully and Josh. "Hey, uhm... can I ask you something?" she questioned shy. "Sure, kiddo... what's up?" Josh asked and looked at her friendly. The girl smiled a little bit and posed a question to the young men. "Are you two a couple?" Mully almost chocked on his ice cream and Josh's face turned red. "N-no, we're not dating... What made you think that?" Mully asked embarrassed and the girl just shrugged her shoulders. "Because you are wearing the same shirt." she pointed at the roses on their chests. "This was actually just coincidence... We didn't plan that." Josh said, still blushing. "Gracie, what are you doing? I told you not to bother others. I'm so sorry, gentlemen." the mother said, as she saw, what her daughter was doing. "It's fine. She didn't do anything wrong." Josh calmed the woman and smiled. "I think you would look cute together..." Gracie said, looking back at the men slightly sad, as her mother pulled her away on the hand. The two boys were left behind, both blushing hard, because of what the girl said in the end. Narrator, Eddie and Juicy watched the entire situation and busted out in laughter.

Mully's POV:

This was so embarrassing! Why did this need to happen?!? Just WHY?!? And I blushed again... why the hell do I blush every damn time, something happens that has to do with Josh? The others can't do anything better than laughing at us... These idiots.

Third person POV:

The rest of the day was pretty normal and they decided to drive home again. This time, it was way more quiet and peaceful, because Gaege slept the whole ride. He was so exhausted, he blacked out on Josh's shoulder, as soon as they drove off. It didn't take long for Eddie to pass out too. Mully was also struggling with staying awake, but made it until they got home. He helped Josh to get Eddie inside, while Narrator carried Juicy. After bringing them to their rooms, the three of them also went to bed.

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