Chapter 19: "Maybe even this is too much..."

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Third person POV:

Josh woke up the next morning to the TV being still turned on. He opened his eyes an looked around. As he noticed in which position he was, he smiled. Josh really enjoyed Mully's nearness and carefully put his hand in Mully's and crossed their fingers. To his surprise, Mully repeated the action and held onto Josh's fingers. He blushed in a dark shade of red. The smile grew even bigger and he snuggled his head more into Mully's sweater, just soaking in the moment.

Mully woke up a few minutes later and looked at Josh. The eye contact made the both of them blush and Josh made his way out of this situation. "I-i'll go make some breakfast." he stuttered and went into the kitchen. "Well... that was awkward..." Josh thought while cooking. He decided to forget about it and finished making food. After the boys ate, Mully started talking to Josh. "That was good. Wanna go somewhere with me tonight? I'll pay. I really appreciate everything you've done for me the last few months and I wanted to make it up to you." he said and put the dishes in the sink. Josh thought about it for a second and smiled. "Sure, why not." he answered. Mully smiled happily and started cleaning the plates.

Mully's POV:

Josh and I spent the day recording and playing video games together. It was pretty fun, but I honestly couldn't get the situation from yesterday out of my head. "Who is Josh in love with?" This question haunted me the whole day. I was really curious and considered asking him about it on our way to the restaurant. But I didn't want to make him uncomfortable in any way so I decided just to ask him about the phone call.

We were sitting in the car on our way to the eating place, as I started the conversation. "How was the recording yesterday?" I asked. He just answered a short "Good." I decided to dig deeper. "I heard you talking on the phone afterwards. Were you talking to one of the boys?" I continued and saw his eyes widening for a second. "Uhm... No, I was talking to Kristy." he answered. I lifted my eyebrows. "Oh cool... what were you guys talking about?" My heart was racing, as I asked that question. "Nothing important... We just had some smalltalk, because we haven't talked in a while." he said and gulped. I knew he was lying, but I didn't want to push him to anything so I just answered a quick "Okay nice." and ended the conversation again.

Josh's POV:

Mully reminded me of the phone call from yesterday. It was hard for me to think about it now. "I just want to enjoy the evening for now, afterwards would be enough time to think." I told myself and pushed the thoughts away again.

We had a nice evening together. Spending time with Mully was great and we had a lot of fun. As we got back home, we changed into more comfortable clothes and sat down on the couch. We were both chilling on the phone and I had my head resting on his shoulder. I noticed that Mully was already snoozing and his phone slowly slipped out of his hand. I carefully took it from him and placed it on the table. My thoughts drifted off and my hand slowly made it's way into Mully's without me noticing. I only realised it, because Mully suddenly crossed our fingers and squeezed my hand softly. That was the moment I started thinking about it. "How could I show him my feelings, without making it too obvious?" I asked myself. It was really hard for me to think about it, because I was afraid of losing him. Only the thought about him hating me made me panic. I didn't want to make things worse and automatically started questioning everything. "Maybe even this is too much..." I whispered and slowly removed my fingers from his hand again. My thoughts overwhelmed me and I started shaking. My heart was racing and sweat was dripping down my temples. I jumped up from the couch and ran into my room. I needed space.

Mully x Josh (Lovestory) ✓Where stories live. Discover now