Chapter 13: Australia?

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Third person POV:

Narrator woke up to Juicy looking at him worried. "How do you feel?" Gaege asked and Narrator responded with a short "Better..." before changing the subject. "When are you going to tell me where we're traveling to?" he asked and rubbed his eyes. Juicy thought about how he could possibly say it without triggering a mental breakdown, but the announcement of the stewardess anticipated him. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have started our descent and will be landing at the Sidney Airport very shortly. Please return to your seats and switch of all electronic equipment until we have reached our final parking position. Thank you for choosing our airline." "Sidney Airport...? Australia? Wait... Juicy, what's going on here?" Narrator asked with a unsure, disbelieving voice. "Narrator, please stay calm. Me and Eddie are just trying to help you..." Gaege explained, but Narrator was paying attention to the flashbacks and the feeling of betrayal on his mind. Juicy tried getting his attention, but nothing worked. As soon as the plane landed, Narrator stormed out and ran away. "Narrator, wait!" Gaege yelled, but he didn't stop. Eddie woke up from the yelling and looked at Juicy and then on Narrator's empty seat. "Do he-..." "Yes, he knows where we are. You go get the luggage, I'll search for him." Juicy interrupted Eddie and ran after his friend.

Juicy's POV:

This was a bad idea. I need to find Narrator as fast as possible. I ran across the halls of the airport and yelled his name multiple times, but got no answer. Suddenly I saw him entering the public conveniences. "There he is..." I whispered and followed my friend. I heard sobbing from one of the doors and knocked on it. "Narrator, please listen to me. I'm sorry for tricking you, but I think that's the only way we can fix this issue." I said carefully. "How?! Do you think it'll be fixed, if Mully and Josh yell at me again?!" Narrator cried and my heart broke. "They won't, trust me. I'm sure Mully isn't proud of his behaviour, but just too stubborn to apologize. You know how he is." I explained, hoping it would help to calm him. I sighed, before continuing "You can't live like this any longer, none of us can. You have been suffering for two weeks and collapsed at the airport earlier. I want you to be happy again, because you deserve it. You might not see it the same way, but I do. I mean, I can't command you what to do, but I can give you the advice to try it. This is our chance to get happy again, to go back to making videos with them and having fun all together. But I promise you, me and Eddie won't ever leave you." I heard the entrance to the public conveniences opening and Eddie stood there with our luggage. He looked at me questioning and I pointed at the door, where Narrator was behind. "If you don't want to, we don't need to visit them. We can go get a hotel for the night and leave tomorrow again, but it won't help any of us. I promise you, if Mully starts to yell again, we're leaving as soon as possible. You won't get hurt, me and Juicy will help you. Mully and Josh both probably regret saying that stuff to you and yelling at you. We'll fix this." Eddie said and put his hand on the door. "C'mon Narrator, please come out." I added and we both heard the door unlock. Narrator opened it and looked at us with his teary eyes. Me and Eddie pulled our friend into a group hug. "Are you ready?" I asked quietly and Narrator nodded as response.

Third person POV:

After everyone calmed down again, the three boys left the airport and made their way to Mully's house with a taxi. After they paid for the ride, the boys walked towards the front door of the house, they remember as Mully's home and knocked. To their surprise, a tall man with six-pack abs and a full beard opened the door. "Hello gentlemen. How can I help you?" Jack asked them. "Hi, uhm... we're searching for Mully. Is he home?" Juicy asked confused. In that moment, Mully's ex stormed towards the door and stood now in from of Jack. "What do you guys want?" she asked. "We're searching for Mully." Juicy repeated. "Mully? I don't know anyone with this name." she answered in a arrogant tone. The boys looked at each other with confusion. "What do you mean? He is your boyfriend, remember? And who is that guy anyways?" Eddie asked. "Ohhhh yes, that guy. He didn't tell you? We broke up two weeks ago and that's my new boyfriend Jack." she explained slightly annoyed. "What? As he came back from the vacation with us?" Narrator questioned and the young woman had enough of answering the boys' questions. "Duh... yes, and if you wanna know more about it, just ask him, not me! I don't want to waste my time answering your stupid questions!" she responded, before shutting the door again.

The three boys were really confused about this whole situation. "WTF is her problem?" Juicy questioned. The others just shrugged their shoulders. "Let's go to Josh's place." Eddie suggested and the group made their way down the street towards Josh's house.

Mully's POV:

I was really nervous about the flight and meeting with the others. I didn't know what else to expect besides of them still being mad at me. I didn't want to get yelled at again... I didn't want to argue again... Josh tried his best to seem like he is confident about the meeting, but I could feel that he was equally as scared as I was. As I checked the time, i saw that our flight would take off in two hours. A few moments later Josh busted in with the words "Are you ready? Let's go or we'll miss our flight." and I followed him with my suitcase in my hands. Josh checked one more time, whether he had everything and then he opened the door, just to see Eddie, Juicy and Narrator standing in front of us.

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