Chapter 25: "It's Narrator..."

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Third person POV:

So after the boys finished drinking coffee, they put on their shoes and left the house. Josh led them to the park and the jaws of the young men dropped from the breathtaking view of the cherry blossom tree. The area was pretty deserted, only an old woman walking her dog and a hot-dog vendor were minding their businesses.

The boys sat down on one of the benches and admired the tree in silence for a few minutes. The peaceful moment was destroyed by Mully's stomach imitating a wale. "I'm starving! Can we get something to eat?" the hungry man pointed out, holding his belly. "Sure, there's a hot-dog booth over there." Eddie noticed and the six friends made their way to the hot-dog vendor.

Josh's POV:

The nearer we got to the booth, the closer Mully came to me. I glanced at Narrator, but he didn't notice it. He was talking to Smashing. I got stressed and winced a bit as Mully put his arm around me. "How about I pay for you today? Take how much you want, I'll buy it for you." he suggested with a smile. "U-uhm... no thanks, M-mully. I-i have my own money with me." I answered quickly, wiggling my way out of his arm around my shoulders. I didn't look at him anymore, afraid of his reaction. Instead I looked back at Narrator, who was now looking at me. It seemed like he noticed how I got out of this situation, because he gave me thumbs up. I gave him a small smile, but I couldn't keep it up for long. I thought about Mully's possible reaction. "He just wanted to be nice... and I... had to push him away..." I said inside my head. My thoughts got interrupted by the greeting from the young man behind the little counter.

Third person POV:

"Hello gentlemen, what can I get you?" the vendor asked with a big smile. The six boys ordered the hot dogs of their choice and went back to the bench. Josh sitting between Narrator and Smashing, and the others lined up next to them.

Mully's POV:

Again... that look... He rejected any contact with me and searched for Narrator's eyes. Could it be... "It's Narrator... Josh loves Narrator..." I felt my fist clenching. Eddie must've noticed, because he looked at me. "Is everything alright, Mully?" he asked. My jaw was tensed and it was very hard to speak. I gulped hard and shook my head to get that anger out of my mind for now. "I'll talk to Josh later... alone" I thought before answering "Yes, just noticed something. Nothing important." I shrugged the question off and looked away from Eddie.

Third person POV:

It was about 02:30 PM when the boys decided to go back home. "Let's just chill and play some games for the rest of the day." Mully suggested, keeping his plan on talking to Josh in mind. All of them agreed and started gaming. The time flew by and soon it was evening. Now Mully wanted to turn his plan from earlier into reality. "Hey, Josh... Can I talk to you for a second? One on one?" he asked and glared at the other four with such a demanding energy that Narrator wasn't sure what reaction he would cause, if he would talk back. Eddie and Juicy smiled at one another, while Narrator was pretty worried about Mully's actions. The boys left and let Mully and Josh talk alone in the living room.

Narrator's POV:

I noticed Eddie and Gaege grinning as we went into the kitchen. "What is wrong with them?! Josh will probably get another panic attack and these two smile like idiots..." I thought angrily and decided to get answers. "Why are you smiling like that?" I asked Juicy. "Well... My plan seemed to have worked!" he promulgated proudly. My facial expression turned into a mess of questions. "What plan? What did you do, Gaege?" I asked confused. "We told Mully about Josh being gay. Not about the crush though. It turned out he already knew Josh is gay, but thought he was into some other guy, because he heard Josh talking to Kristy about him. He seemed jealous, so I saw my opportunity and encouraged him to show Josh how he feels. And I think he wants to take things to the next level now." The smile on Gaege's face was lighting up the whole room. My face flushed. "Do you really think Josh can handle this?! Did you notice how much he tried to avoid Mully? He's not ready to face Mully like this! He is living in constant fear of another panic attack caused by Mully!" I explained with worry and a bit of anger in my voice. The smile on Juicy's lips turned into a guilty and fearful look. "...And to be honest... I don't think Mully wants to confess his feelings..." I added, underneath a heavy sigh.
"Why do you think so?" Eddie asked confused. "This look he gave us... It wasn't a 'I'll confess my feelings to my crush now'-look. I couldn't define the meaning of this glare, but it wasn't nice..." I pointed out. Suddenly our conversation got interrupted by loud yelling from the living room.

*Meanwhile in the living room*

Third person POV:

With a hint of panic, Josh watched Narrator and the others leave. He didn't know what to expect from the situation and especially Mully's look made him anxious. Mully sat down next to Josh on the couch and faced him. "You've been acting weird the last few days... What's wrong?" the taller man asked in an inexpressible way. Silence filled the room for a couple seconds. Josh thought about his answer. "Should I tell him? Better not..." he thought and whispered a quiet "Nothing...", before lowering his eyes to his hands. Suddenly, Mully was furious. "Don't tell me it's nothing! I know something is wrong! Did I do something?" he asked annoyed and loudly. Josh winced a bit and stuttered a quick "N-no..." in hope to calm his friend. "Then why are you always trying to get away from me?!" Mully then asked and stood up from the couch. Josh's panic grew inside him. "I-i'm not trying to get a-away!" he stuttered, attempting to sound convincingly. "Then what about the golf course? Every morning at the breakfast table? And today at the park? You always searched for Narrator's eyes and avoided any contact with me. Why are you always looking at Narrator?! What is it about him?!" Mully questioned with such a confusion and anger in his loud voice. It was silent again. Josh didn't know what to say. He only thought one thing: "He saw them... my help seeking looks..."

Mully's eyes went down to the floor. "You love him, don't you..." he hissed jealously. Josh looked up at Mully with confusion in his eyes. "What?! No?! How do you even know that I'm gay?!" he asked shocked. "I heard you talking to Kristy the other day... You were talking about a guy you're in love with. I know you told the boys too..." Josh could hear the hint of sadness in Mully's voice. "And why do you think that I'm in love with Narrator?" Josh questioned quietly. "Because I saw every time you looked at him and at the restaurant he held me back from helping you!" Mully yelled and turned his back on the smaller male. Josh wasn't able to get any word out of his mouth. His chest and throat tightened and he struggled to speak. "Why didn't you tell me that you're gay?!" Mully turned around and faced Josh with fury in his eyes. "B-because..." Josh mumbled, but got interrupted by the taller man snapping at him. "BECAUSE WHAT?! BECAUSE YOU DON'T TRUST ME?! BECAUSE I'M NOT WORTH KNOWING SOMETHING THIS IMPORTANT ABOUT YOU?! BECAUSE YOU HATE ME THAT MUCH?!" Josh was trembling and couldn't contain it any longer, so it just busted out of the young man.

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