Chapter 24: "What is it about him?"

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Third person POV:

Mully woke up very early the next morning and decided to make breakfast for everyone. Slowly, all of the boys assembled in the kitchen. All of them, besides Josh. "I'll get him." Mully said and walked towards Josh's bedroom.

Josh's POV:

I got woken up by a knock on my door. Mully entered my room and smiled at me. "Good morning Josh!" he greeted me happily. "Morning..." I answered and rubbed my face. "Ok, remember what Narrator said..." I told myself and looked at Mully again. "Wanna have some breakfast?" he asked me and came over to my side of the bed. He put his hand out like he wanted to help me up. For safety from another breakdown, I decided to ignore it. I got up on my own and just walked passed him. It hurt me to act like this, but the fear of another attack was bigger. I noticed Mully following me into the kitchen. The others sat at the table and looked at me worried. "Hey, how do you feel?" Narrator asked me. "Better..." I said and sat down between him and Smashing.

Third person POV:

As Mully came inside, he noticed Josh sitting next to Narrator and frowned a bit. He saved a place beside himself for Josh and was a bit sad that he didn't take it. But he decided to forget about it and didn't lose hope yet. "I can do this..." he thought and sat down on his chair.

The breakfast was over all pretty quiet. They ate and talked about their plans for the day. "How about we just go around the city and see what it has to offer for us?" Smashing suggested. "Good plan. And in the evening we can watch a movie together." Juicy added happily. All of them agreed and they made their way to the inner city.

The boys have been walking around the town for quite some time, searching for something fun to do. Suddenly, Juicy spotted a sign. "Look guys! There's a golf course not far away from here. How about we go there?" he asked and pointed at the poster. "Sure, why not?" Narrator responded. "I'm down, maybe we can get some food there too." Mully agreed with a smile. "I've never played golf before." Eddie said and looked a bit unsure. "Me either..." Josh admitted. "No big deal, we'll show you." Smashing answered and put his hands on Josh's and Eddie's shoulders. "Okay it's now..." Mully checked the time. "...11:54 AM. We need about 20 minutes to the golf course. Let's go." he said and the six friends walked back to the cars.

Soon, the boys arrived at the golf range and rented some golf clubs and balls. Juicy and Smashing helped Eddie with his first shot. Mully and Narrator did the same thing with Josh. Mully had his arms wrapped around Josh's to show him how to hold the golf club. Josh's eyes quickly searched for Narrator's, in fear of another attack. "Uhm... Mully, maybe you let try Josh himself first. After that you can show him what he could make different. Or even better: You go first and show him how to do it." Narrator suggested quickly to get Josh out of that situation. "Sure!" Mully answered a little confused and made his first shot.

Josh's POV:

I was so relieved that Narrator got me out of Mully's grip. I looked over to him again with thankfulness in my eyes. He just nodded with a smile. I was so happy that he was near me and helped me with my panic attacks. Sure, I still want to date Mully, but maybe Narrator is right. Maybe I have to get some distance from Mully so I can get the stress off my mind, before I can eventually express my feelings... or better not. "I should stop thinking about this..." I told myself and concentrated back on the game.

Third person POV:

The boys all made their shots and worked themselves through the holes. Eddie got better pretty quickly and was able to compete with the others. Josh on the other hand kept struggling with getting the right amount of strength to hit the ball with. Narrator tried helping him as much as possible, so Mully wasn't coming to close to Josh.

After almost five hours of playing, they finally reached the last hole. All of them shot the ball into the hole and Josh was the last one left. He really concentrated on the ball and hit it perfectly. The ball flew in the direction of the hole and hit the ground right in front of it. The small object slowly rolled towards the hole and...

Josh's POV:

"HOLE IN ONE!" Narrator yelled cheerful and I jumped. Suddenly, I felt something big wrap around me. It was Mully, pulling me into a big hug. I felt my heart beat speeding up. "Mully... could you please... let go..." I muttered, breathing heavily. My eyes wandered to Narrator again. In that moment, Mully lightened his grip. I could see in the corner of my eye that he looked at me concerned. I wasn't able to look at him. Instead I freed myself from his hug and walked over to the others to celebrate my great shot with them.

Mully's POV:

I saw it... that look. That isn't the first time either. Every time I try to get anywhere near Josh, he turns away from me and makes eye contact with Narrator. But why? I didn't understand what he suddenly has against me... I decided to shrug it off for now, but to keep an eye on Narrator...

Third person POV:

The six of them celebrated Smashing's win and Josh's hole-in-one on their way home. Juicy quickly got some snacks and drinks from the grocery store for the film night, before they all went home.

The boys assembled in the couch and started watching a movie. All of them were pretty exhausted from today's trip and slowly fell asleep one by one. Eddie and Smashing snoozed next to each other on one side of the couch. Juicy was quietly snoring on the stool in front of the tv. Josh drifted off too and his head slowly landed on Narrator's shoulder. Narrator smiled as he noticed it and place his head on Josh's, before falling asleep as well. The only one left was Mully... boiling with rage.

Mully's POV:

I was looking at Narrator and Josh. This position... it was the one me and Josh used to fall asleep in. A mixture of anger and sadness overcame me and I ran into my room. I didn't want to watch this shit any longer. "Why is Josh so intented on Narrator? What is it about him? And why is he trying to keep me out? What's happening?" My head hurt from all these questions. I didn't understand anything at this point. "Maybe I just need to try harder." I told myself and went to sleep.

Third person POV:

It was 11:20 AM as Josh slowly woke up. He noticed that everyone else was gone and looked around the living room. The moment he was about to get up and run thought the halls of the house to search for the others, he heard some noises coming from the kitchen. "Oh, hey Josh! You're finally awake. Come join us, sleepy head!" Narrator greeted him. He smiled and walked into the kitchen.

Mully made a little more space next to himself for Josh, but the said man sat beside Narrator, like he did the day before. A boiling rage, mixed with pain and sadness grew in Mully's stomach. "Why does Josh avoid me like that?" he questioned inside of his head. "And what does Narrator have to do with that?" he accidentally said out loud. "What was that Mully?" Narrator asked, his eyes locked on Mully's face. "Uhm... nothing I was just... thinking." Mully answered quickly and brought his attention to the food in front of him. "So... what do we do today?" Eddie asked enthusiastically. "I know! Josh, why don't you tell the boys about that place you found?" Mully pointed out and brought Josh's attention to the conversation. "Sure... Uhm... it's like a park not far away from the house. It has a very beautiful cherry blossom tree in the center. I found it when I went jogging the other day and Mully suggested to visit it all together." Josh explained, personally not wanting to do it. "Sounds amazing to me!" Narrator answered with a smile. "Nice, we can go there and hang around for a bit, maybe eat something, before we decide what else to do today." Smashing added.

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