Chapter 16: One last time

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Third person POV:

Narrator was the first one to join Juicy in the living room. "Good morning, did you sleep well?" Gaege asked and pulled him into a hug. "Good morning. Yes, I did. How about you?" Narrator questioned sleepy. "Me too. Yo, listen, I have to show you something..." Juicy whispered excited and sat down on the couch. Narrator joined him and looked at him confused. "Look at this..." Juicy pulled out his phone and showed his friend the photos of Josh and Mully. Narrator eyes lit up and a huge grin grew on his face. "Oh... my... god... These two love each other... Everyone can see that..." Narrator said underneath his breath, adoring the pictures. "I know right, but what should we do?" Juicy questioned, wanting to help his friends. "I think the best thing to do would be just watch this situation for now and see how it goes. Mully is still really sensitive because of his breakup. Trying to bring him together with Josh could either fix it or make it worse and we can't do that to him." Narrator explained and Gaege agreed.

Josh's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was Mully. We had our arms wrapped around each other. A smiled grew on my face and I softly rubbed Mully's back, which caused him to pull me closer to his body. I blushed slightly, disbelieving this whole situation. I thought about how we got here and the memories from last night popped up in my head again. "What bothered him so much earlier? Was it still the breakup or... maybe something else?" I asked myself confused. I racked my brain with these questions and didn't even notice Mully being awake too. "What are you thinking about?" he asked sleepy. He sat up beside me and turned his head to look me in the eyes. "I could get lost in those beautiful eyes..." I thought, but shook my head to get all of these thoughts out of there for now. "It's nothing important. C'mon, let's get some coffee." I said, got up and walked towards my door.

Third person POV:

Josh and Mully entered the living room one after another. Juicy's and Narrator's eyes instantly landed on the two of them, both with massive grins on their faces. Josh looked at them with confusion, but decided to ignore it. "Good morning!" Narrator greeted them. "Morning..." Josh answered and yawned, while walking into the kitchen. "Do you want some coffee too?" he added and received a loud "Yessss!" from Juicy and Narrator. Josh grabbed the four cups and walked towards the couch. Mully was sitting in the armchair and reached out for his mug.

Mully's POV:

I was sipping on my coffee and thinking about earlier. "What was bothering Josh?" I asked myself. I looked up at the others. All of them were in their thoughts just like me, but soon I noticed how Juicy were watching me and Josh eagerly. Suddenly, he broke the silence and asked "Did something happen last night? I woke up this morning and you two were gone." Josh almost choked on his coffee and started coughing. He gave me a unobtrusive look, trying to tell me to keep everything secret. I instantly understood and agreed. "Nothing much. I got a little bit uncomfortable on the couch and we just went to our rooms." Josh answered and shrugged his shoulders. "Yea, nothing special." I added and took a big gulp of my mug.

Third person POV:

"Oh, okay." Juicy answered, hiding a huge grin behind his cup.

Eddie joined the group and they spent the whole forenoon on the couch talking, like nothing ever happened. They planned on doing videos, playing videogames and just spend a great time together. The topic 'Mully's ex' wasn't brought up again and the atmosphere was pretty good. Everyone enjoyed the time together and Narrator, Juicy and Eddie stayed for over two weeks in Australia. On their last day there, Josh had an idea. "How about we go out somewhere one last time, eat something and enjoy your final day here?" he suggested. "Sounds great! In that way we let this trip comfortably run out." Juicy agreed happily. "Alright, let's pack our stuff now, so that we have the whole afternoon to enjoy and no stress in the evening." Narrator said. Eddie and Mully agreed to the plan too and the three American boys packed their stuff.

The five boys made their way to the Italian restaurant Mully picked. "Nice ambience." Eddie noticed, as they entered the premise. "Hello gentlemen, his can I help you today?" the waiter asked politely. "Hello, a table for five, please." Mully said and the young man brought the boys to their place. He went to the back and came back with five menu cards. "I'll be right back to take your orders." the waiter said and left again. After ten minutes of looking through the menu, all of them knew what they wanted and ordered their food. "As you can see, our place is pretty full today. I apologize for a possibility long waiting time." the server said and frowned, as he picked of the cards again. "Never mind, we've got time." Juicy said and smiled at the young steward. He nodded and went into the kitchen.

Mully's POV:

It has been ten minutes since the waiter left and we have talked and laughed a lot. My look went through the dining hall and I watched all the people around us. There were many couples and families, just enjoying the nood, but my eyes stopped at a very specific table. I couldn't believe what I saw. The universe had to be kidding me. At the exact same evening... and the exact same restaurant... THESE TWO need to be there...

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