Math Class

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This is a letter to math class, because I hate it in general. 

Dear Math Class:

Why don't I understand you? I've tried so freakin' hard for like seven years and I still don't understand anything about you! Everyone keeps telling me that if I don't pass you, I'll fail and have to go to summer school. Well, there's no one to blame for that except myself and of course the subject of math, which is you. 

If I could say one word to you, it would be 'no'. Why have you added the alphabet? When it's writing, I'm fine, but when you put it in yourself, it's just ugh!!! I can blame you for ruining my life. If I fail, you're the one to blame. If I get confused and never go anywhere, you can take the fall with me. Because no matter how hard I try, I can never get you off my back. 

Go die, math class, because you mean nothing to me. Go away and stop being useful to the world, because you're useless to me. Go confuse other people, because you've already done everything you can do to me. 

NOT sincerely, 

Emily #2

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