JL Jr.

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  • Dedicated to A horny teenage boy

JL Jr,

You confuse me. You really do. One day you're all normal and sweet and the next you're texting me begging for nudes. You've used literally every line to get my to send them.

"I will delete them as soon as I get them I promise."

"You're too hot to hide your body."

"Send one and I'll never ask again, I promise."

"I'll send you one back--anything you want."

But then the next day it's all normal like nothing ever happened. And you call me beautiful and flirt with me and just act like you like me.

And then the next day you beg for nudes.

I have to admit, it really bugs me. Because I like you JL. You are the hottest country boy at our school and I know tons of girls like you. What I don't get, is why you beg for nudes. You could easily just go out and have sex because their are people who will put out for you. Why do you beg to see our naked bodies through pictures?

One time, I said that I wasn't going to send you one because you get them from a million other girls. You told me that you have a strict hot body standard and that I am only one of three girls you actually care to see naked.

Was that supposed to make me want to send you pics? Because it just repulsed me even more.

Because I do like you kind of. You're cute and sweet and you flirt with me a lot at school. But god dang you confuse me.

I know all you want from me is to see my body naked. I don't like that and I don't like how you seem to think that the only thing I am good for is helping satisfy you. You once tried to tell me not to get tattoos because guys don't like girls with tattoos and that I wouldn't be hot anymore.

You also hated on people who are depressed and who self-harm. You know what, now that I write this out and actually think about it, I realize just how big of a D-Bag you are.

You dip.

You beg for nudes.

You believe women are sexual objects that should only do things to impress men.

You talk about how serious problems are stupid and made up.

... Why did I have a crush on you last year? Maybe I was just blinded by how stinking adorable you were. KEYWORD: WERE. You grew out your hair too long and you don't shave your face very much and you're voice always sounds like you have a sore throat. Huh, I don't like you. You are just a ball of eww.

But, I will say this:

You have some FINE shoulders!


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